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Un laborator modern pentru pregătirea specialiștilor în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale a fost inaugurat astăzi la Școala Profesională nr. 6 din...

Five weeks to become a professional of web and social media management. Learn how to create an online communication strategy;...

Concursul îşi propune identificarea și dezvoltarea inteligenţelor multiple la elevi, sporirea interesului pentru studiul matematicii, fizicii, informaticii, chimiei, biologiei și...

Proiectul „Îmbunătăţirea calităţii învăţămîntului vocaţional tehnic în domeniul TIC din Republica Moldova” este implementat de către Centrul Educaţional PRO DIDACTICA...

Yum – the Android app that helps you find nearby restaurants according to your culinary prefferences A young team that...

“We came at SSC to gain some new experience about working on a potential IT project. Well, this has happened,...

Technovation Challenge is a global tech competition that teaches girls how to code and start a business. Its objective is...

Mrs. Liesl Muench is working for the EU-financed project “EU Support to the Private Sector in the Context of Association...

It is an event for women in the IT industry and women who want a career in this field. The...

September 24, 2014, Center of Excellence in Information Technology (9 Studenților Str., behind the Block of studies no. 3, Technical...

Antreprenorii vor putea activa din oficiu în cadrul parcurilor IT virtuale. Un proiect de lege în acest sens, propus de...

During Autumn ATIC is planning to write 10 success stories about 10 IT products and/or services realized by Moldovan IT...

Asociația Națională a Companiilor Private din Domeniul TIC este o organizație umbrelă a companiilor din domeniul TIC care are drept...

ATIC a lansat un portal pentru promovarea companiilor TIC în Republica Moldova, astfel încurajînd absorbția de servicii și produse TIC....

Termeni de Referinta Solicitare Oferte pentru achiziție de bunuri Context: Proiectul „Îmbunătăţirea calităţii învăţămîntului vocaţional tehnic în domeniul TIC din...

Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) is currently looking for a Legal and Fiscal Consultant/ Manager to assist ATIC...

“By developing the IT industry, we strive to transform our country’s intellectual property into economic value”, Vitalie Tarlev, the Deputy...

Today, May 15, 2014, the most important event from the local ICT industry, Moldova ICT Summit 2014, has been declared...

Moldova ICT Summit, the most important industry event, will take place on 14-15 May 2014, Leogrand Convention Center, Chisinau, Republic...

Today robotics is used in many areas and is important to the future of mankind.Robotics provides an exciting, hands-on way...

CeBIT is the world’s largest and most international computer expo. The trade fair is held each year on the Hanover...

On the 16th of January 2014 the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the project „Advancing quality in ICT...

Proiectul „Îmbunătăţirea calităţii învăţămîntului vocaţional tehnic în domeniul TIC din Republica Moldova” este implementat de către Centrul Educaţional PRO DIDACTICA...

Let’s make the ICT sector a growth engine!

According to the Statute of Moldovan Association of ICT Companies member of the Association may become any ICT company or legal entity, which operates in Moldova and/or abroad, and which recognizes ATIC’s Statute.

The membership is voluntary, private and inalienable.