RockIT Digital Academy

Five weeks to become a professional of web and social media management. Learn how to create an online communication strategy; create and maintain an effective website; use online and social media tools to reach your audience and maximise your impact.

The RockIT Digital Academy offers the best possible education in its domain in Moldova. It has strong links with the main actors in the business and institutional world. Its final diploma, awarded to those students who attend at least 80% of the classes and complete all assignments correctly, is recognised by employers and is a door-opener in the Moldovan context. It also prepares you in the best possible way to international experience, given the background and experience brought in by our trainers.

Give a new spin to your career

Enroll on a course where experienced professionals in the domain share their experience and provide you with the opportunity to practice the skills that are actually needed in the workplace.

Link with the job market

We partner with companies that know what skills they are looking for. That’s why there are good possibilities for work placement after finalising your studies, if you work hard and demonstrate your commitment.

Solid training in reasonable time

Courses last 5 weeks, with 4 lessons a week in the evening. This period allows to create a mentoring relationship with the trainers and develop a thorough understanding of the skills requires in the job market.

Founders and, the coaches of the project are:

Artur Gurau – young businessman, lector at ASEM, CEO of digital-agency Granat, founder of a startup Footballoid;

Sandra Cavallo – entrepreneur, with a 20 years of experience in digital space, an international consultant in the field of digital communications, the founder of Savallo Communications;

Alexander Lebedev – the founder of the portal #diez, social media-expert, blogger.

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