Registration OPEN! UX Fundamentals training (Feb 4-5, 11-12)

Tekwill Academy is happy to announce the start of application process for the ‘UX Fundamentals’ intensive two-weekends long training (in English) to take place in Chisinau starting on February 4th. This interactive and hands-on training includes the fundamental principles and processes you need to know in the world of UX.

Tekwill Academy is an educational initiative of National Association of ICT Companies organized with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) within “Moldova ICT Excellence Center Project”


Saturdays and Sundays: February 4-5 and 11-12. Course duration is 4 days, 24 training hours.


  • Web Designers/ Creatives/ UX Designers/ Anyone who works on UX projects
  • Required graphic/web design experience (page layout, color, typography, visual communication)
  • Experienced with Adobe Photoshop and/or Sketch
  • Good English (training is fully in English)



   Ramona Ziemann

   Senior UX/UI Designer at YOPESO from Berlin, Germany. More than 6 years of      work experience in Design Agencies and IT    Companies.


Upon course completion, the participants will understand UX theory and build one master project (for iOS & Android), which can be taken into participants’ portfolio.
Participants will also present their work and receive feedback in an open discussion.



Briefing get to know business and user needs & requirements for the project

Stakeholder interview – get to know business goals

Research – competitor review. How to & why it’s important

Personas – what are personas? How to define & create them. Why they are important


Blueprint – define the information architecture & interaction


Wireframing – paper & digital wireframing. Learn to define the user flow

User testing – why it’s crucial to test & when. Learn about testing tools

Prototyping – how to, when & why it’s important. Learn about Native UX & tools


Mockups – difference between digital wireframes & mockups

Styleguide – learn about iOS human guidelines & Google material – what the difference is and why it is important

Metrics & assets – learn about collaboration tools


Dos & Don’ts – requirements for UX portfolios

Learn what is a MVP

Projects review – present your project & receive feedback


Please fill out the application form. IMPORTANT: In the application form participants are required to submit a link to one of their best project (designs) and provide a brief description of the concept for that design. Submitted work will be reviewed by the trainer and an answer provided to the applicant (whether accepted to the training or not). If the applicant is accepted to the training, an invoice will be provided for the payment to be made. All payments will need to be completed prior to the course start. Applications close on Monday, January 30th, 15:00.

Early bird fee (designs submitted before Jan 25th): $200
Standard fee (designs submitted after Jan 25th and before Jan 30th): $220


Tekwill Academy is an educational initiative within Tekwill ICT Excellence Center, supported by USAID and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), which will offer regular technical courses throughout the year, taught by programmers and IT professionals from Moldova.  Programs offered will contain a strong practical component led by trainers-practitioners, where participants will work in teams on projects in conditions similar to what they would experience at a company. Tekwill Academy was created to increase the level of preparation of ICT professionals in Moldova, by focusing on developing practical skills demanded in this highly competitive field.

For further details please contact Olesea Vieru at

Skills and Partnerships Development Manager 
Moldova ICT Excellence Center Project (Tekwill)
Moldovan Association of ICT Companies
mob: +373 79 97 52 42

Apply Now!

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