Join the forefront of technological innovation and leadership as the Executive Director of the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies!


THE MOLDOVAN ASSOCIATION OF ICT COMPANIES (“ATIC”) is the business Organization uniting 90 companies and representing anUmbrella Organization gathering over 9000 employees.

Being established in 2006, ATIC is the action leading association and the voice of the Moldovan ICT industry that promotes the development of the ICT sector in Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between companies, similar organizations, government, state institutions and international organizations. The association was founded to represent the industry on different policy and legislative issues and to facilitate the exchange of best practices between members. ATIC mission is to protect and promote the Association members’ interests as well as facilitate a more favorable ICT business climate.

ATIC is actively promoting the interests of its members by getting involved into the spheres of regulation, education, capacity building, competitiveness enhancement in order to have the ICT industry leading the economy and becoming a part of any system and process to ensure its development.

In order to achieve the objectives stipulated in these Articles of Association, the Association shall carry out the following activities:

  1. represent, promote, support and defend common economical, technical and legal interests, as well as undertake cooperation measures between its members, in accordance with the law and these Articles of Association;
  2. support, in compliance with the law, full freedom of action in promoting development programs;
  3. promote fair competition throughout the economic activity and the relationships between its members;  
  4. participate in initiating, drafting and promoting programs, the relevant legislative framework and necessary regulations for efficient and viable restructuring and development of the ICT sector; 
  5. participate, in collaboration with competent state bodies, in preparing drafts of legislative acts and other normative acts for the ICT sector;
  6. contribute to the drafting and implementation of development strategies at a national level, and of economic activities;
  7. provide useful information to the members of the Association, facilitate their relations and relations with other organizations;
  8. promote social interest in developing ICT;
  9. represent, promote and support cooperation between its members;
  10. create a favorable environment for discussions, expression of opinions, debates over matters of interest to the members of the Association;
  11. organize meetings, symposiums, seminars, courses, social and business events as well as other related events in the ICT sector;
  12. cooperate with international entities which have similar objectives and activities to those of the Association;
  13. organize production, publishing, printing and distribution of periodicals, books, brochures and other necessary materials for achieving the purpose and objectives set out herein;
  14. collect, use and manage funds in order to accomplish the purpose and objectives of the Association;
  15. enhance professional and management skills of students, employees and trained graduates within ICT companies, and organize contests and other training activities aimed at improving practical skills and theoretical knowledge of the students and trained graduates;
  16. conduct other activities related to the purpose and objectives set by the Association. 

Job Title: Executive Director



  • Three or more years management experience and expertise in areas of ICT Industry development 
  • Strong experience in legal or economic advocacy;
  • Proven understanding of non-profit governance and specific challenges would be a plus
  • Deep understanding of the ICT sector in Moldova or similar countries;
  • Excellent communication and networking skills with proven exposure to various stakeholders in business, public sector, educational institutions or civil society; 
  • Up-to-speed and genuinely curious about latest developments in technology and related business models.


  • Good managerial skills including legal, financial, people and project management;
  • Organizational/legal experience focused on advocating for the beneficiaries, innovative approach to planning, programme management and stakeholder engagement;
  • Excellent communication and networking skills with proven exposure to various stakeholders in business, public sector, educational institutions or civil society; advocacy experience would be a plus
  • Broad knowledge of Moldovan ICT Sector;
  • Holds a vision of future ICT sector development needs and can translate them into actions with the support of ATIC board and its members;
  • Highly self-motivated and able to work autonomously, take initiative and make decisions;
  • Flexibility and adaptability, familiar with agile and new ways of working;
  • Fluency in Romanian and English languages.

Key responsibilities:

  • Draws up documents, strategies and development plans for the Association and presents them to the Board of Directors;
  • Presents reports to the Board of Directors and/or to the General Assembly of members regarding the Association’s activity;
  • Solves the demands of the members of the Association;
  • Implements decisions of the General Assembly of members;
  • Ensures the summon of the General Assembly of members and organizes its preparation;
  • Represent the Association without Power of attorney in relation with authorities and private persons locally as well as internationally;
  • Issues orders, instructions, dispositions, signs collaboration documents, agreements, necessary agreements to obtain statutory goals of the Association and/or to ensure its current activity in the limits and accordingly with the Association’s annual budget;
  • Carries out other duties given by the Board of directors and/or the General Assembly of Members;
  • Works closely with the board of directors and committees, informing, assessing, and addressing issues that affect the organization;
  • Participates in the development of the long-term strategy and value proposition of the organization, including by providing relevant analysis (internal and external) to the governance bodies of the organization;
  • Oversees the daily operations of the organization, providing executive direction of all program strategy, fundraising, compliance, quality assurance, and program efficiency while ensuring the organization’s financial sustainability;
  • Represents the organization in front of all stakeholders: governance structures, donors, government, beneficiaries of programs, including by being the spokesperson in events and mass-media;
  • Attracts, motivates and retains talent to support the implementation of the strategy;
  • Implements any necessary updates to policies, procedures and other related fields in coordination with the Board of Directors;
  • Organizes consultations with members of daily, yearly development plans including but not limited to carrying out the needs of the members.

Application procedure:

Please submit your CV and Motivation letter until Friday, May 31, COB to and

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

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