ATIC is inviting the ICT community to Moldova Cyber Week 2020

Launched in 2012, “Moldova Cyber Week” is a large national cyber security event held annually under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova. The event is organized by the P.I “Information Technology and Cyber Security Service”, Technical University of Moldova, International Telecommunication Union and European Union.

“Moldova Cyber Week” is dedicated to stakeholders working as part of the cybersecurity ecosystem and experiencing cyber threats on a day to day basis. The MCW ensures information and knowledge sharing among leading experts, policy makers, industry experts and the academia. The goal of MCW is to discuss main challenges related to cybersecurity, share experiences, exchange ideas, good practices, and build trust between the cyber community and the citizens. MCW is an opportunity to promote proper response to cyber threats and foster cooperation among cyber professionals. Within the “Moldova Cyber Week” we will discuss where we stand, what can be done, and share good practices, implemented solutions and initiatives with partners and experts.

The event presents an active participation platform, that integrates enlightening keynotes, in-depth panel discussions, networking opportunities, Q&A sessions and deep dives into actionable insights that strengthens cybersecurity strategies for the future.

Started in 2012 with roughly 50 participants, today “Moldova Cyber Week” is attended by over 400 participants and around 50 cybersecurity experts from Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Switzerland etc. All of this was possible to achieve with the trust and support of the national and international partners, which includes the United States of America (USA), Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Forum of Incidents Response and Security Teams (FIRST), and many others.

Acces for more information about the event, but also to register for Moldova Cyber Week 2020, the event that you should not miss.

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