We have released the PayWell Moldova 2016 Salary and Benefits Survey

PayWell Moldova 2016 Salary and Benefits Survey is released now

Finding and retaining the right talent, and simultaneously managing costs, is a permanent challenge for businesses of every size in every sector. This is why identifying trends and preparing the business to take advantage of them has become more important than ever.
Because we want to help you in developing competitive remuneration policies that will tackle such issues successfully and will strengthen your employer brand, we have released the 10th edition of PayWell Moldova Salary and Benefits Survey.
The 2016 edition of PayWell Survey gathered 27 organisations and 8,709 employees in 5 industry sectors (FMCG&Industry, IT, Telecom, Banking and Overall market), providing a detailed analysis of salary data for 768 benchmarking jobs, including:

– gross monthly salary;
– annual fixed and variable bonuses (paid and target);
– annual value of benefits granted;
– company’s car value.

The Survey also contains information on specific compensation and benefits policies:

– salary review, negotiation and increases (planned and performed);
– fixed and variable bonuses;
– entry level employees’ remuneration;
– benefits granted to employees: eligible staff category, cost and policy of using, etc.

We trust you will find PayWell Moldova Survey a useful tool to analyse the compensation policies practiced by the leading companies on the Moldovan market and compare your employees’ remuneration package.

For more details regarding the PayWell Survey, please find below its presentation and do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you and provide all the necessary information.

Contact e-mails: tatiana.stavinschi@ro.pwc.com, natalia.dontu@ro.pwc.com


Paywell Moldova 2016_en

Paywell Moldova 2016_ro

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