VET Study Visit in Austria

According to the action plan of the „Advancing quality in ICT vocational education in Moldova“ project, implemented by the Educational Centre PRO DIDACTICA in partnership and National Association of Private ICT Companies, during 24-30 November 2013 a delegation from Moldova participated in a Study visit in Austria. ATIC was represented within the study visit by Mrs. Viorica Bordei, ATIC Education Project Manager.

The purpose of the visit was to provide accurate and relevant information about the efficient models and good practices of the Austrian VET institutions, especially on curriculum development process according to market demands, ICT teachers in-service training in order to develop practical students skills, management of internship process at ICT companies.

The delegation consisted of representatives of the Ministry of Education, implementing organizations, pilot institutions and curriculum experts. The agenda of the visit included meetings at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, VET institutions involved in the education of the ICT specialists, Careers information center, Microsoft Austria.

During the discussion Moldovan participants had the opportunity to find out useful details about the effective education within the VET system in Austria – considered to be one of the most responsive to the labor market needs and strong apprenticeship-system from Europe. The study visit ended with a follow-up workshop, where the Moldovan delegation set up the next steps to be taken according to the acknowledged practices.

The project „Advancing quality in ICT vocational education in Moldova“ is implemented with the financial support of the Austrian Development Agency. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the harmonization of ICT education in Moldova with labor market demands. The project purpose is to support the qualitative improvement of content and process of ICT professional education in 6 institutions (colleges and vocational schools), thus fostering the improvement of quality of knowledge and practical skills of the young ICT specialists.

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