The information campaign “Choose a Career in IT”: 3000 participants, 37 schools, 22 districts

Over 3000 pupils have participated in the information campaign “Choose a Career in IT ” conducted in 37 schools from the country (22 districts + Chisinau) during 2013. The initiative was organized as career guidance sessions dedicated to the pupils of X – XII grades. Young people were able to find useful information about the characteristics and advantages of the IT career, career prospects, directions they can follow, institutions that provide IT studies, but also to participate in discussions with actual professionals working in the IT field. The initiative has received an increased interest from the young people. During the sessions the pupils mentioned that “the presentation was extremely useful and timely, providing interesting information about the opportunities, prospects and the benefits of a career in IT “, and that “it is a good initiative, especially in the context when the information technologies become more present in our lives, creating unprecedented opportunities for development and professional growth”. They also appreciated the recommendations and suggestions on career directions that can be followed in the field of IT, actions that have to be taken in order to become a good IT professional and the importance of additional relevant studies and the involvement in extracurricular projects. The “Choose a Career in IT” campaign was carried out with the support the Ministry of Youth and Sports trrough the Grants Program for 2013, and USAID CEED II Project, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova.

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