Although the ICT sector in Moldova is in continuous growth, one of the major impediments for the sector to get to its full potential is the lack of qualified professionals. As the workforce development is a long term process, it is important to promote IT career among the young generation as a very attractive option, but also to provide the future and actual ICT professionals with useful and relevant information regarding the capacity building, self improvement and networking opportunities.

In 2007, USAID Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development Project has created a website career.ict.md with information about the benefits of pursuing a career in ICT, as well as the information where to go to obtain a career in ICT. Since the website has been developed in 2007, the design, administration and information needs to be upgraded.

The IT career website represents an important tool of communication and will allow to increase the public awareness regarding the topic and to effectively communicate the benefits of embracing an ICT career in Moldova.

The update of the vocational institutions information is supported by the project “Advancing quality in ICT vocational education in Moldova“, implemented by the Educational Centre PRO DIDACTICA in partnership with National Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC). The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the harmonization of ICT education in Moldova with labor market demands. The project purpose is to support the qualitative improvement of content and process of ICT professional education in 5 institutions (colleges and vocational schools), thus fostering the improvement of quality of knowledge and practical skills of the young ICT specialists.

The of the IT career website are:

  • Provide access to knowledge, insights and opportunities in the field of the ICT Career
  • Guide the high school graduates into the career opportunities provided by the ICT sector
  • Provide the future ICT graduates with relevant information regarding the extracurricular education opportunities, internships, networking and capacity building events
  • Provide the ICT professionals with relevant information on certification, event opportunities
  • Create a communication and interaction platform between the ICT companies (employers) and young people considering a career in the field of ICT
  • Raise awareness about the attractiveness of the career in ICT and encouragement of the young graduates to choose the studies at a VET or Higher Education Institution.


The goal and objectives of the career.ict.md website depend on several target audiences:

  • High schools graduates
  • ICT students
  • ICT professionals



  1. Clean and intuitive design
  2. Information about the ICT path (formal and extracurricular education: universities, colleges, IT courses), information about the Certifications in different area, Lifelong learning Centers, internships, graduation projects
  3. Access to upcoming events information and possibility to post events news (information must be placed both in a calendar type and a list type)
  4. Possibility to create students basic profiles – a possibility to get in touch with the futures employers
  5. Contact form for each student
  6. Possibility to create company profiles – in order to inform the young people on the employment opportunities
  7. Repository documents: PDF, DOC formats


  1. Preferable CMS – DRUPAL, Joomla or WordPress (other suggestions are welcome however they will be examined more rigorously)
  2. Possibility to extract DATABASE OF STUDENTS PROFILES in CSV or other formats
  5. Google analytics – SEPARATE GOOGLE PROFILE


The website

  1. Will promote the ICT career
  2. Will represent a platform of communication/ interaction/ information between the ICT industry and the education sector
  3. Will contain a database of the ICT students profiles
  4. Will permit the placement of information in text/graphic form
  5. All materials should be classified under specific topics and be searchable online
  6. Administrator’s guide for the web-site maintenance should be created and delivered in written and electronic form;
  7. Administration features should include the tool for web-site access statistics information;
  8. All design items should smoothly run on most popular OS platforms/monitor resolutions/
  9. Usability: The site should be user-friendly, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable and the website and its content quick to access
  10. Appearance: The graphics and text should be consistent throughout the website. The styles used should be professional, appealing and relevant, in order to encourage stakeholders and others to access and use the site. The site should have pictures, different size and colour fonts that are applicable to the various pages and consistent with the style of the overall site.
  11. Visibility and Accessibility: The site should have high visibility and be easy to find via all major search engines
  12. Positive user experience: The purpose of the website and its target audience should be taken into account when elaborating the design of the website.

The following outputs are expected to happen:
1. Designed concept of the IT Career website
a) Adopted model of design
The web site must be designed to be dynamic and interactive
b) Adopted model of the concept of the website

Deadline for submitting the proposals: May 24, 2013

Please download the Terms of Reference 

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