OpenDL: April 8, 2025

RFQ#INOTEK-2025-003: Supply of Smart TVs for the Tekwill in Every School project

For:National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)
Funded by:INOTEK Foundation
Issued by:National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)
Date of issue:March 25th, 2025
Offer deadline:April 08th, 2025, 18:00 Chisinau time

The National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) hereby invites official suppliers, eligible and responsible to provide quotations for Smart TVs for the Tekwill in Every School project educational institutions as part of the initiative to optimize educational resources and facilitate modern teaching, as per Technical Specifications – Section 3 in RFQ.  

The given procurement is managed under the Tekwill in Every School Project – implemented in the Republic of Moldova by ATIC, in partnership with INOTEK Foundation: the smart TVs will be used to project lessons, facilitate collaborative learning activities, and bring engaging educational content directly into classrooms. These devices will allow teachers to integrate multimedia materials and online educational resources in an interactive and engaging way, thereby stimulating student engagement and improving teaching quality.

The required goods needed for the Tekwill in Every School Project within 1 location are grouped into 1 LOT and delivery requirements as follows:

SMART TVs  25INOTEKUp to 30 calendar days from contract issue, but no later than by May 14th, 2025

In formulating their offers, interested companies shall follow the submission protocol and be guided by the list of mandatory documents required the RFQ, including the FORMS-A-E and FORM F.

Proposals must be submitted in separate pdf format files corresponding to the:
1) Technical Proposal: Forms A-E and other mandatory documents required by this solicitation documents. There may be one or several PDF files with relevant names.
2) Financial Proposal: Form F should be password-protected. ATIC will request the password after the submission deadline if the proposal is considered eligible and technically compliant.

Any submission of the financial proposal that is not password-protected will be disqualified. Also, any submission of the financial proposal together with the password will be disqualified.
Offers received after the specified deadline (date and time) will be considered late and will NOT be evaluated by ATIC.

Electronic Submission Only. The only acceptable submission method is electronical – via email:
to: – Cristina Sirbu, ATIC Procurement Specialist.
cc: – Ana Chirița, ATIC Strategic Projects Director

Attached documents:
Full RFQ (pdf)
FORMS-A-E (Word)
Quotation FORM F (should be password-protected) (Word)

Contact persons:  
to: – Ion Corbu, ATIC Technical Manager
cc: – Cristina Sirbu, ATIC Procurement Specialist