
RFQ#ATIC-EDUTech-StartupCityCahul-2023-013: Manufacturing and supply of 3D logo signs for “EDU Tech Labs” (3 LOTs)

For: National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) projects
Funded By: UNICEF Moldova; EU via a delegated Agreement with Sweden
Issued By: National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)
Date of issue: September 15, 2023
Date of issue of changes: UPDATES MADE ON September 27, 2023 
Offer deadline: September 29, 2023, 17:00 Chisinau time

THE MOLDOVAN ASSOCIATION OF ICT COMPANIES (“ATIC”)  is looking for eligible and responsible company(-ies) able to manufacture and supply 3D logo wall signs for the digital laboratories within 69 schools all over the country.

For details on the required services, please refer to:
·  Section 3 – Technical Specifications
·  Annex 1: List of Schools where EDU Tech Labs will be created.
·  Annex 2: LOGO graphic representation

Electronic Submission Only. The only acceptable submission method is electronical – via email:
to: – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist
cc: – Ernest Bitca, “Tekwill in every school” Project Manager

Proposals must be submitted in separate pdf format files corresponding to the:
1) Technical Proposal: Forms A-E and other mandatory documents required by this solicitation documents. There may be one or several PDF files with relevant names.
2) Financial Proposal: Form F – should be password-protected. ATIC will request the password if the proposal is deemed eligible and technically compliant.

In formulating their offers, interested companies shall follow the submission protocol and be guided by the list of mandatory documents required the RFQ, including the FORMS-A-F (Word)

Offers received after the specified deadline (date and time) will be considered late and financial offers (Form F) without a password will be considered ineligible and will NOT be evaluated by ATIC. Incomplete offers will not be accepted.

UPDATES MADE: On September 27, 2023, LOT’s A, B, C were updated to more accurately specify materials, map batteries, and wall mounting.

Attached documents:

Full RFQ (Pdf) (updated)

FORMS- A-F (Word) (updated)

Annex 1: List of Schools where EDU Tech Labs will be created.

Annex 2: LOGO graphic representation  (updated)

Design materials in vector format (zip) (added)

Contact details: – Ernest Bitca, “Tekwill in every school” Project Manager; – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist;