
RFP#DDV-2022-016: Video production services for the online educational platform “Digital Dual VET” (7 LOTs)

For: National Association of ICT Companies
Digital Dual VET Project
Funded by: German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Deadline: September 6, 2022, 15:00 Chisinau time

The National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) hereby invites eligible and qualified companies to submit proposals for the provision of video production services, based on this RFP and the details specified in the Annex 1 – Terms of Reference.

The needed services are split into 7 (seven) LOTs based on the educational course name for which the production of video lessons is needed:

LOT 1: Montarea componentelor electrice și electronice

LOT 2: Executarea lucrărilor de lăcătușărie și ansambluri metalice

LOT 3: Desen Tehnic

LOT 4: Prepararea prăjiturilor din aluat nedospit afânat prin metodă mecanică

LOT 5: Managementul deșeurilor

LOT 6: Managementul resurselor de apă

LOT 7: Dirijarea sistemelor hidraulice și pneumatice.

In formulating their offers, interested companies shall  follow the submission protocol and be guided by the list of mandatory documents required the RFP, including the FORMS-A-F (Word).

Electronic Submission Only. The only acceptable submission method is electronical – via email:
to: – Irina Oriol, Deputy Project Coordinator
cc: – Ana Chirita, Strategic Projects Director

Proposals must be submitted in separate pdf format files corresponding to the:
1) Technical Proposal: Forms A-E and other mandatory documents required by this solicitation documents. There may be one or several PDF files with relevant names.
2) Financial Proposal: Form F – should be password-protected. ATIC will request the password if the proposal is deemed eligible and technically compliant.

Any submission of the financial proposal that is not password-protected will be disqualified. Also, any submission of the financial proposal together with the password will be disqualified.

Offers received after the specified deadline (date and time) will be considered late and will NOT be evaluated by ATIC. 

Incomplete offers will not be accepted.

Attached documents:
Full RFP (Pdf)

FORMS- A-F (Word)

Contact person: – Irina Oriol, Deputy Project Coordinator