Tekwill Outdoor Design Competition




This competition seeks creative and innovative ideas to develop a design for the outdoor facilities of Tekwill. The area of the project is adjacent to Tekwill, includes a parking lot and a green zone total up to 1000m2. The design proposals of the outdoor space need to respond to site potentials and constraints (planned terraces and existing parking lot), and will accommodate various spatial needs of Tekwill beneficiaries and visitors (eg. silent outdoor spaces to rest, study or contemplate, a place to sit in the sun in winter, lively spaces to congregate, small communal spaces for group discussions, networking, and even work). The design must address the five main sustainability issues:

1. Technical and creative aspect: Since Tekwill is designed for technical and entrepreneurial individuals, the exterior design has to be clean, comfortable, catching and fitting international experience in this sense. Industrial elements, loft style and a lot of green is expected.

2. Social: As Tekwill’s beneficiaries come from various socio-cultural backgrounds, the design has to be inclusive and consider the diversity and needs of the visitors’ background, as well as encouraging community engagement and participation.

3. Environmental: It is important that the design meets basic requirements including visually and acoustically. Designs with minimum impact on environment and with eco-friendly technologies will be taken into consideration.

4. Economic: The design should consider minimizing construction and future maintenance and running costs, as well as ensure that Tekwill’s beneficiaries of various socio-economic backgrounds can easily access this facility.

5. Realistic: All designs must be realistic and possible to implement within the framework of Moldova.

Who can participate: We encourage young students, creative people, and even companies to participate. Both individual works and team/company applications are eligible. How to apply and what documentation to submit: The interested group or individual will submit the following package of documentation:

  • Description of the Team/ Company/ Individual
  • CV for each member of the team
  • Application form (Download here )
  • Portfolio
  • Description or idea behind the design developed
  • Drawings or samples of materials to be used (CD with technical drawings)
  • Implementation schedule
  • Implementation budget

*In ANNEX please find the topographic map of the territory.

The deadline to submit applications is June 23, 2016, 17:00 to the address Maria Cibotari 28 or to the e-mail executive@ict.md.

Application process:

  1. June 23, 2016 – Applications deadline
  2. June 29, 2016 – Presentation Day and Selection of Winners
  3. August 30 – deadline to implement the project

The winners of this contest will be awarded to implement their project in the proposed setting as well as receive monetary gifts from the main partners of Tekwill

Judging criteria:

  • Conceptual underpinning including relations with the context (site, climate, history, former and present use)- 30 points.
  • Landscape as well as architectural design quality- 10 points
  • Response to various user needs and development of amenity- 10 points
  • Use of innovative construction and/or technologies (eg. repeatable modules to allow for a staging development and future growth)- 20 points
  • Considerations to minimize environmental impact and costs.-10 points Budget-  40 points

Who will judge: Leading IT Community and Company Leaders. Nominate HERE


The development of Tekwill started in September 2015, under the “Development of Moldova ICT Excellence Center” Project implemented with the financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), together with a number of strategic partners. It aims to improve Moldova’s global competitiveness and its business and investment environment. Innovative, high-value technology products and businesses are essential for development of the knowledge-based economy. Science, innovation and technology are the key drivers of the sustainable growth and competitiveness. The project will be implemented as a private-public partnership (though Global Development Alliances instrument (GDA)), between the Moldovan Government, private industry, academia and donors. The private partners include multinational companies, IBM and Microsoft, and also Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) members that are local (operated) ICT companies. The private partners will bring significant new resources, ideas, software, technologies and development activities, such as trainings, practical assignments, and mentorship. The private sector partners will have the chance to use the center to communicate with the university, SMEs, startups, professionals and contribute to the curricula improvement answering the market needs, as well as the improvement of the IT and entrepreneurship ecosystem that will lead to the economic growth of the country. The Government of Moldova supports this project at the highest level of the Prime Minister, and the partners include Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Education, and E-Government Center. The space will be provided by the Technical University, as part of the Government commitment to this project. The e-Government Center will use the center as a training and capacity building resource for the public e-transformation and IT managers.

Over 1,000 beneficiaries are expected to receive relevant training per year. As a result of the project, the skills of the Moldovan work force and the ICT industry in Moldova will be improved. The excellence center is planned to meet the following main tasks: education, networking, support, promotion and information management. Education services will include training, consulting and mentoring services for the SMEs, entrepreneurs, academia, public IT sector representatives. The content of the activities will include technical subjects with the possibility of demonstration of the latest technologies and soft business skills such as project management, marketing, communication, leadership and other. The center will be properly equipped for on-site training facilities, as well as offer the possibility to conduct trainings off-site upon need. The beneficiaries of the center will be coming from private sector, public sector and academia. The center will host IT specialists networking events, students meetings with IT professionals and mentors, incoming professors and trainers, business to business meetings, startups to investors meetings, and other. The center will offer co working space for IT professionals and business people, as well as offer group or individual consultations for business development, technical support and seeking investment. All of the activities will be supported by the specifically designed infrastructure, which is currently unavailable in Moldova. One important goal of the project is to offer attractive space for the beneficiaries in the future ICT Excellence Center in the respective proposed timeframe.

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