SCOPE OF WORK (SOW): Company/trainer to deliver Soft Skills training for teachers from VET system for the development of workforce for ICT industry

SCOPE OF WORK (SOW): Company/trainer to deliver Soft Skills training for teachers from VET system for the development of workforce for ICT industry


 The project ”Partnerships for quality and relevance in ICT vocational education in Moldova”, implemented by Educational Centre Pro Didactica, non-governmental organization, specialized in providing informational, training and consulting programs and services, focused on development of life-long learning skills and the Moldovan Association for ICT Companies (ATIC), an umbrella organization of the ICT companies with the objective to increase the competitiveness of the sector through partnerships between the private companies, similar organizations, state institutions and international organizations, envisage to support positive changes in the education sector in order to assure a proper correlation between labour market demand and education supply in IT sector.


 ICT sector is one of the most promising in Republic of Moldova from the point of view of capacity to generate GDP. The productivity of this sector should be maintained and stimulated for growth. The workforce developed for this sector greatly depends on the capacity of education system to develop necessary professional competences. From this perspective is important to support VET institutions in the process of improving human capital educating teachers and adjustment to the sector’s demands. In this context, based on the workforce development objective ATIC, on behalf of the Project “Partnerships for the quality and relevance of technical vocational education in ICT in Moldova” is supporting the initiative of and ICT sector to improve the professional education process.


 The scope of this assignment is to organize a training on Soft Skills Development for a group of approx. 40 teachers from the VET institutions involved in the Project, for the development of workforce for ICT industry as Soft skills complement hard skills which are the technical requirements of a profession. The assignment contains the following stages:

1. Determine the specific soft skills to be implemented and used in ICT teaching staff of VET schools, as well as discuss with the teachers about their level of involvement. 2. Carrying out training on the specific soft skills that need to be implemented in ICT teaching staff of VET schools. 04. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES:

 Carry out the assignment as defined in the SOW and complete the final deliverable in a timely manner as defined below while conducting all business in a manner that respects local culture and maintaining high ethical standards, avoiding any actual or perceived conflicts of interest and abiding by all local laws.

05. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES:                          

 Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance and career prospects and hard skills which tend to be specific to a certain type of task or activity. Under the guidance of Project Manager to carry out training regarding the soft skills to be implemented in VET system for the development of workforce for ICT industry as follows:

1. Determine the specific soft skills to be implemented and used in ICT teaching staff of VET schools

During the process of developing the program of training will be identified the gaps in the way of communication and delivering theoretical and practical material by the VET teachers as a quality human capital comes from a quality education process. It is proposed to implement seven soft skills that have been identified and chosen to be implemented in all institutions of teacher education. They are :

·         Communication skills
·         Thinking skills and Problem solving skills
·         Team work force
·         Life-long learning and Information Management
·         Entrepreneur skill
·         Ethics, moral and professionalism
·         Leadership skills
·         Inclusion of project based learning
·         Project Management
·         Others determined

Each of the above soft skills comprised of several sub-skills. These sub-skills are divided into two categories of implementation (Appendix 1.). The first category delineates the soft skills that every individual must have and the second category represents soft skills that are good to have. Despite the emphasis being put on the soft skills that must be present (must have), it is also encouraged to inculcate the soft skills that are good to have. All elements of soft skills must be acquired by each individual student and evaluated effectively and comprehensively.


Expected result:

Proposal regarding the way soft skills that are important to the development of professional competences. It is proposed to elaborate a list with the highly important soft skills and specification of the sub skills that are “must have” and “good to have” for providing some knowledge and skills for teachers in conceptual and soft skills apart from hard skill.


3. Carrying out training on the specific soft skills that need to be implemented in ICT teaching staff of VET schools

The training of ICT teaching staff of VET schools will be carried out based on the list of Soft Skills determined to be important to be implemented and the program proposed. The survey should be run on at least 2 representatives from VET schools that are teaching ICT disciplines. It is suggested to organize the training with the support of ICT Excellence Center (College of Informatics, Chisinau).


Expected result:
A group of approx. 40 teachers of VET institutions involved in the Project is trained and their soft skills are improved. The teaching and learning processes of teacher education are improved to provide such knowledge and skills to students.
Delivery of a training to develop soft skills for ICT teaching staff, organized through 2 parts that have to correlate with 2 stages of the assessment:  
1.    Formulating an offer with the program of the training, including all specific components that need to be delivered to participants, including budget, content, approach;
2.    Analysis of results of the Soft Skills training of ICT teaching staff of VET schools;
3.    Evaluation of the skills of the teachers;
4.    Final report;
5.    Recommendations to introduce into the curricula;
Each offeror will determine the level of effort required. (Timeline and budget)
The trainer will perform his/her duties in Chisinau, Moldova, at the ICT Excellence Center from Chisinau (College of Informatics, Chisinau).
The assignment will begin on or around June 20th and end on or around July 31th as work will not necessarily be continuously performed full time.
The implementer will report to the Executive Director of ATIC, or her designee, who will be responsible for supervising the performance of training and interact with the participants of the training.
11. Organizers contracting contact:
Ms Ana Chirita
Executive Director
Moldovan Association of  ICT companies (ATIC)
28, Maria Cibotari, of 1B, Chisinau MD 2012, Republic of Moldova
Phone/Fax: +373 22 887000,
12. Vendor Information to be included in the proposal
All interested vendors must include in their proposals:
  1. Corporate overview – legal name, year of creation, number of employees, other information they might find relevant
  2. Services – description of all services and products supplied.
  3. Markets served – description of geographic/industry markets served.
  4. Partners – list of current event-related suppliers and partners.
  5. Customer & Activity References – a list of other similar activities previously done.
 13. Offer
Individual consultants should submit:
  1. CV
  2. Proposal including overview of vision on implementing and achieving the above mentioned tasks, references to other similar activities completed.
  3. Other relevant information
14. Submission procedures
An electronic copy of the Proposal document in English, clearly marked Name/Surname/VET Project, should be sent by electronic mail not later than June 15, 2016 to the contact noted above.
Proposals submitted by any other method and/or in any other way or beyond the specified deadline will be rejected.


Appendix 1. to the SCOPE OF WORK (SOW): Company/trainer
to deliver Soft Skills training for teachers from VET


system for the development of workforce for ICT industry
Soft Skills
Must Have Elements (SubSkills)
Good To Have Elements (SubSkills)
Communicative Skills
Ability to deliver idea clearly, effectively and with confidence either orally or in writing Ability to practice active listening skill and respond. Ability to present clearly and confidently to the audience.
Ability to use technology during presentation. Ability to discuss and arrive at a consensus. Ability to communicate with individual from a different cultural background. Ability to expand one’s own communicative skill.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
Ability to identify and analyze problems in difficult situation and make justifiable evaluation. Ability to expand and improve thinking skills such as explanation, analysis and evaluate discussion. Ability to find ideas and look for alternative solutions.
Ability to think beyond. Ability to make conclusion based on valid proof. Ability to withstand and give full responsibility. Ability to understand and accommodate oneself to the varied working environment.
Team Work
Ability to build a good rapport, interact and work effectively with others. Ability to understand and play the role of a leader and follower alternatively. Ability to recognize and respect other’s attitude, behavior and beliefs.
Ability to give contribution to the planning and coordinate group work. Responsible towards group decision.
Life-Long Learning & Information Management Skill
Ability to find and manage relevant information from various sources. Ability to receive new ideas performs autonomy learning.
Ability to develop and inquiry mind and seek knowledge.
Entrepreneurship skills
Ability to identify job opportunities.
Ability to propose business opportunity. Ability to build, explore and seek business opportunities and job. Ability to be self-employed.
Ethics, Moral & Professional
Ability to understand the economy crisis, environment and social cultural aspects professionally. Ability to analyze make problem solving decisions related to ethics.
Ability to practice ethical attitudes besides having the responsibility towards society.
Leadership Skill
Knowledge of the basic theories of leadership. Ability to lead a project.
Ability to understand and take turns as a leader and follower alternatively. Ability to supervise members of a group.
Inclusion of project based learning
Ability to work in teams and determine the work based on a final result (project)
Project management as a skill
Specific skills to be taken into account during the classes


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