Project Management Intermediary course (Feb – May 2016). REGISTRATION OPEN! Limited places

IT Excellence Center Moldova (Tekwill) and TSP ( Romania are announcing a call for registration for the biweekly training course “Intermediary Level Project Management” to run from February to May, in English. 

The course will provide the right tools and skills to become proficient in applying project management principles, and successfully deliver your projects.During this training course, the participants will learn how to:

  • Apply the Smart Project Delivery®  approach developed by TSP and compliant with PMBOK® (from PMI), IPMA Competence Baseline (IPMA) and Prince 2 (from OGC)
  • Differentiate between process and project and use the process approach in project management
  • Justify the necessity of the project using the feasibility study and the link with the Business-Case
  • Differentiate between project, program and portfolio
  • Link the project with the company’s strategic objectives and portfolio of projects
  • Prepare a project proposal (project charter) and define correctly project objectives
  • Define project scope, manage it and its deliverables boundaries
  • Apply efficiently the project “hexagon” dimensions (ex-triple constraints)
  • Define the stakeholder concept, identify project stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities
  • Plan in detail a project and use the plan to monitor and control the implementation
  • Compile quantitative and qualitative analyses of identified risks
  • Use the change management process and its link with risk management
  • Monitor and measure the quality of the deliverables and use the performance indicators
  • Fulfil project team management functions to lead and motivate the team
  • Close the project and document the main conclusions and the experiences accumulated

And many more…

The training curricula includes three types of practical activities: 

  1. Team work
  2. Soft skills developing exercises and games
  3. Debates and discussions

At the successful completion of the course the participants will also receive 28 contact hours (recognized by PMI – Project Management Institute)

TSP ( is a training and consultancy company specialized in project and process management. Better and more is the TSP promise to customers. No matter the method, the end result is always the same: a better and more profitable organization.

IT Excellence Center Moldova (Tekwill) project is run by National Association of ICT Companies of Moldova (ATIC)


Tickets price:

Early bird – 300Euro/person (by Feb 9th)

Standard (by Feb 15th) – 320Euro/person

Tickets can be purchased through bank transfer.

For more detail, please contact:
Olesea Vieru
Skills and Partnerships Development Manager
Moldova ICT Excellence Center Project
Moldovan Association of ICT Companies
tel: +373 22 887 000

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