Moldova Startup Week 2020: The biggest Startup event of the year is back!

The most important Startup event of the year! Five days (16-20 November 2020) of exciting entrepreneurial events that will bring together local and regional speakers and successful startups, and include over 10 networking, workshops, trainings, launch of entrepreneurial initiatives, and much more! Moldova Startup Week 2020 is organized under the global brand powered by Techstars to gather the local community, inspire entrepreneurship in Moldova, and empower local entrepreneurs.

The goal is to achieve our strategy 20/21:

  • To develop country innovative triangle (universities, corporations, government)
  • To share with community what was done and what we are going to do
  • To develop international collaboration with relevant verticals
  • To develop internal investment community

The main planned activities from agenda (November 16-20, 2020):

  1. Gov4Startups– The official opening of Startup Week of the year. The day will be filled with important remarks regarding the governmental support for innovation, global exposure for the local startup ecosystem, and international opportunities for future startups.
  2. Startup Showcase – Throughout the day, Moldova will present their top innovative startups to students and enthusiasts through Demo Day and Inspiring stories.
  3. MatchDay – Full day of online connection sessions that will match startups with mentors, accelerators, and investors to work together on improving the initiatives’ future.
  4. Verticals Day – The day will include a series of events presenting the novelty, non-tech, local industries that have made it into the startup ecosystem.
  5. Corporate Innovation Day – This day will top up the week with an event that will include IT companies and startups, elaborating a specific picture of the future employee and describing their company!

Techstars Moldova Startup Week is organized by Startup Moldova, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and of Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau, in the framework of ”Tekwill” Project.

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