Moldova ICT Summit – the leading industry event will take place on May 14-15, 2014

Moldova ICT Summit, the most important industry event, will take place on 14-15 May 2014, Leogrand Convention Center, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. 

Moldova ICT Summit is the leading industry event aimed to gather all industry stakeholders, including government, business, multinationals, professionals and academia, to discuss trends and challenges facing the ICT industry globally and in the country, and define the roadmap for development and effective integration of technology, as well as the agenda for growing ICT sector competitiveness.

By bringing the cutting-edge global trends and inviting visionary leaders, the event seeks to break the barriers, drive innovation and foster higher aspirations at all levels.

The event is organized by the National Association of Private ICT Companies and the USAID CEED II Project, under the patronage of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, E-government Center, MIEPO, Ministry of Education, Microsoft Moldova, Orange, DAAC System Integrator, HP, Endava and other partners and sponsors. 

Moldova ICT Summit 2014 will focus on the following tracks:

  • ICT4Development: This track will bring together local and international government representatives, high-level experts and business representatives to discuss the vision of development of the ICT sector through its strategies. Both industry and government will discuss future plans to enhance the competitiveness of the industry and to promote ICT use in government.
  • ICT4Education: What are the steps taken to enhance the ICT education? What are the best practices undertaken by implementing ICT to improve general, VET and higher education?
  • ICT4Entrepreneurship: How to reach success in launching new projects in ICT? How to fit the right resources and find the right partners for it? What are the best models to reach success? What are the programs that help grow and finance the business?
  • ICT4Professionals: What are the new trends for ICT professionals? What are the best practices everybody should be aware of? What are the employers in the ICT Industry?
  • ICT4Business: What are the solutions offered by ICT companies for other sectors to enhance their efficiency?

The Grand opening of Moldova ICT Summit will take place on May 13. Government, ICT sector, high-level experts and donor community will gather to discuss the vision for the ICT sector development.

Agenda and registration at the event: Please note that the registration is mandatory.

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