Moldova ICT Summit 2015, the event of the year in the ICT area, shall take place on April 29-30

Moldova ICT Summit 2015, the event of the year in the ICT area will be held on April 29-30 in the Palace of the Republic and Codru Hotel. The event will bring together the representatives of the Government, managers of ICT companies, IT professionals and entrepreneurs, investors, ambassadors, representatives of the development partners, local and foreign experts, exponents of academic environment and civil society.    

Over 1000 persons are expected to participate in those 6 sessions of the event:

ICT4Development: Using information and communication technologies for improving the Governance Act, development prospects of a digital economy, integration of the local market in the international sphere of payments are the key topics that shall be addressed during the session. Discussions shall cover the aspects of coherent management of the Republic of Moldova cyberspace, the development of a pertinent legislative framework, adoption and implementation of relevant standards. The agreed conclusions shall contribute to drawing up of the Cyber Security Roadmap.

ICT4Entrepreneurs: The session shall be devoted to current and potential start-ups and digital media managers. Successful entrepreneurs, experts and investors from the US, Germany, France, Bulgaria, Estonia and Latvia will share their experiences. The participants shall learn what kind of resources and tools can be used to promote and grow the business and which are the attracting investment tactics, how to develop a product with tens of millions of user. The effective models and innovative concepts such as growth hacking, link building, email conversion, design thinking shall be discussed.

ICT4 Education: Representatives of public authorities, academic environment, educational institutions and private sector shall discuss the opportunities and challenges resulting from the application of ICT solutions and tools in education. Successful projects and newly launched platform in the Republic of Moldova (1:1 Computing, Educational Robotics, Girls Go IT) and experience of other countries regarding the ICT integration in education shall be presented.

ICT4Business: During the session, the ICT products and services dedicated to reduce the operating costs of the companies, streamline the internal processes, optimize the hardware, software and human resources used within the companies shall be presented.

ICT4Society: It shall highlight the ICT solutions and technologies that can be used by non-governmental organizations to increase activity efficiency, and possibilities to create a functional and inclusive society due to the implementation of information and communication technologies. During the session, the NGO Connection Day, an event hosted by Microsoft and dedicated to the representatives of the civil society shall be held as well.

ICT4Professionals: ICT professionals shall  learn the latest techniques and practices and will have the opportunity to exchange best practices. Presentations shall refer to the latest trends, technologies and tools that may be exploited by IT specialists. Scala, Swift, Erlang, .NET, Redis, Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Online are just some of the topics that shall be discussed. Professionals in the appropriate fields shall come with practical tips, examples, advice and useful suggestions.

For Moldova ICT Summit 2015 Agenda, information regarding the sessions and speakers and other relevant details, see: Participation in the event is only possible on the basis of pre-registration.


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