Moldova ICT Summit 2013

For the 4th year, Moldova ICT Summit gathers main industry representatives, government officials, international speakers, donors and organizations interested to contribute to the development of the ICT Sector and integration of IT in all the other branches of the economy.

The summit has focused on 5 tracks this year:

ICT4Education and Education4ICT- the most visited session this year has brought up topics about strategic implementation of ICT in education to improve the quality of graduates and future employees. Such topics as 1:1 computing, as well as implementation of Massive Open Online Courses and switching to digital content have been discussed and presented. Over 350 participants have attended this session.

ICT4Competitiveness – has brought into discussion the White Book and IT sector competitiveness strategy, the opportunities of developing an angel investors network in Moldova, as well as brought face to face the representatives of the fiscal inspectorate and customs to raise the main existing problems.

ICT4Business- has brought up the main industry actors to talk to non IT businesses about latest available solutions aiming at optimizing the business processes in the companies.

ICT4Society – starting with a high level session with the presence of the prime minister of Moldova, as well as ITU President Hammadou I. Touree, the session has touched topics aiming at developing the whole society using ICT from strategic point of view and tactical implementation issues through the e-services. The main attraction of the session has served to be the Launch of the E-payment Gateway accompanied by the governmental decision of its implementation.

ICT4Professionals – the platform for IT specialists to present, discuss and touch latest trends and technologies.

Overall the summite has brought together over 800 participants, with over 50 international speakers.

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