JOB DESCRPTION: TwentyTu project manager (Extended)

JOB DESCRPTION: TwentyTu project manager

In May 2018, ATIC/Tekwill announced TwentyTu – an educational project that will provide access to online education to every pupil and teacher in Moldova. 11 online courses for children and 3 for teachers will be available for free on the TwentyTu platform. TwentyTu beneficiaries – children and professors, will receive direct incentives to enroll to courses – such as bonuses at their main grade at the school for children and bonus for didactic promotion for teachers – making our educational product particularly attractive. The project’s mission is to harness Moldova’s untapped human capital and to help grow a generation of citizens that will create, here at home, products and services that will meet economic & social challenges at national and global scale. The name “TwentyTu” stems from our 22nd century outlook, while “tu” in Romanian means “you”.
For more information please visit and A detailed project description is available upon request.
Tekwill is an IT excellence center that contributes to the IT, education and entrepreneurship ecosystem of Moldova. Tekwill’s main activities: Offering educational courses that will answer the needs of a modern economy; Providing space (including offering office and co-working spaces for rent) and resources to enterprises from creative industries; Stimulating entrepreneurial culture in Moldova; Organising IT & entrepreneurship related events.
Tekwill was implemented by Moldovan Association of Information and Communications Technology Companies, ATIC, promotes the development of the ICT sector in the Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between the private companies, similar organizations, state institutions, international organizations in order to enhance the competitiveness and development of the sector and company capacities, enlarge the market, attract investments in the country and participate in the decision making and regulatory process on the national and international level.
As a next step, ATIC/Tekwill are looking to continue the implementation of the project, continue the fundraising, merge with other existing initiatives like Digital Education in Every School and expand into a future concept of Tekwill in every school by providing qualitative free content, synergizing with other existing projects on the market, revise ATIC/Tekwill available programs suitable for school level.

ATIC is looking for an ambitious professional to serve as TwentyTu’s project manager

Main duties and responsibilities: 

Overseeing the implementation of the all of the project’s elements, including, but not limited to: developing and launching the online platform, delivering offline lectures and providing equipments to schools, according to goals and timeline announced during the fundraising campaign on

Establishing the strategic and long-term direction of the project

Coordinate and communicate with the relevant authorities in order to integrate TwentyTu into the official curricula

Maintaing close communication with all the private, corporate and institutional donors

Overseeing the future fundraising efforts, including producing, developing and deepen existing donor relationships

Maintain and nurture TwentyTu’s excellent reputation among the public, private and donor community

Specific tasks and responsibilities:

Evaluate current situation of the project
Select and supervise the pool of curricula development
Select the pool of experts to verify the curricula
Organize focus groups to evaluate the content absorption for various target groups
Promote 22 and merged programs as the core for IT industry educational programs
Create partnerships to promote TwentyTU platform
Evaluate once a month the impact of the activities
Evaluate the results of the program
Collect feedback from main stakeholders
Continue fundraising activities
Act on behalf of the program


Education: Master’s degree in one of the following fields (or related to): Education, Public Policy, International Development, Business, Economics, Management, STEM, and other fields that are relevant to managing a large educational project:

Experience: At least six years of professional experience. At least three years of managerial experience. Experience of working with educational projects and/or knowledge is an advantage.

Other: Fluency in written and spoken Romanian, Russian and English.

Application procedure:
Interested candidates shall submit the following documents:

1. Motivation letter, including details of three reference persons;

2. Curriculum vitae of the applicant.
The application package shall be submitted via email to:, with the subject line: „TwentyTu Manager”, by July 10th, 2019 (23:00). For additional information on TwentyTu, please visit: Only selected persons will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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