JOB DESCRIPTION: International Communication Consultant

JOB DESCRIPTION: International Communication Consultant


Tekwill has been designed as a national public private partnership between the Government of Moldova, USAID, Microsoft, and IBM to answer the needs of the ICT industry to close the gap of the human capital shortage, as well as support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. The initial goal of the project is to contribute to the extension of Tekwill as a sustainable network and deploy its programs on both the regional and national level. The project aims to determine the operation model of the network, business plans for the centers and partners in the regions, deploy scalable activities to connect an estimated 150,000 people to ICT (school and university students, community, etc.), deploy entrepreneurship programs aiming at both scaling up existing programs, as well as create inclusive innovation platforms for the regions with their respective specifics and potential to absorb/apply ICT. We envision a minimum 10,000 beneficiaries, per year, for each pillar, education and entrepreneurship. As a result of the project, two main outcomes are expected: more and better qualified skills and workforce developed leading to a stronger ICT industry in Moldova, as well as creating the premises for a Moldovan start-up program to drive opportunities for companies seeking capital.

The first phase of the project represented a USAID development grant whish was matched by both cash and in-kind contributions of private and government partners that brought significant new resources, ideas, software, technologies and development activities, such as trainings, practical assignments, and mentorship. Private partners included multinational companies, IBM and Microsoft, as well as Information Technology and Communications Association (ATIC) members from the local Information and Communications Technology (ICT) companies. Moldovan government partners Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, e-Government Center and Technical University have also provided their support. The Technical University of Moldova is hosting the first Tech Center on its premises and has jointly invested resources for initial investment and maintenance costs during the startup phase.

On September 19, 2017 USAID, based in Moldova, entered into a partnership with the Government of Sweden to join forces in the establishment and creation of the ICT Excellence Center (Tekwill). It included an arrangement that governs the relationship between the parties regarding the financing, implementation and reporting of the activity.

Tekwill opened on March 15, 2017. During the first three years of the project, Tekwill has completed or supported 188 educational initiatives, and 301 entrepreneurship initiatives, transforming Tekwill into one of the most successful initiatives in Moldova’s tech sector. It has helped more than 350 IT professionals reach better business, create opportunities and seek investment. Altogether Tekwill has trained and oriented more than 35,000 people.

The next phase of the project aims to expand Tekwill’s capacity, create connections with additional universities and expand the activities to a national level. New activities are planned to transform Tekwill into a strategic focal point for Moldova in relation to boosting creativity, innovation and growth in the ICT sector. The government of Moldova supports the creation of a network of satellite Tekwill branches around Chisinau and throughout the country. The projects extension will keep all stakeholders, academia, private sector, donors and government, engaged to reach its fullest potential on the economy as a whole. Select universities intend to engage in initiative to promote the optional programs developed by Tekwill to be accessible in schools. Each program will be designed and adapted to regional needs. The programs will be all inclusive and aimed at diverse groups such as children, women, students and others.

Job Title: International Communication Consultant

Basic Functions:

The International Communication Consultant is expected to review and support the Tekwill project team in preparing communication materials for the donor community and international partners.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

– Align Tekwill’s communications strategy and activities related to donor expectations;
– As directed by the Senior Project Coordinator, provide quality control on all reports, marketing materials, and other documents generated by the project, with an emphasis on those for submission to USAID;
– Collect content for biweekly, monthly and quarterly reports to align with the requirements of USAID and Sweden;
– Attend meetings, as needed, with USAID, ATIC and implementing partners on an ad-hoc basis regarding communications, outreach, PR, and media related issues, program deliverables and reports, and USAID branding and marking guidelines;
– Gather content and assist in developing targeted messages for the donors
– Assist in developing project newsletters targeting international communities
– Support other requests as needed by the Senior Project Coordinator
The International communication consultant will report directly to the Senior Project Coordinator and Communication manager.

• Bachelor’s degree in Communications or related field; Master’s preferred
• 5 years of experience using digital media and social marketing tools
• Strong interpersonal, analytical, writing, and oral presentation skills
• Knowledge of USAID’s marking and branding requirements is preferred
• Broad and deep knowledge of the digital media landscape; enthusiasm to stay abreast of digital trends
• Native English speaker


1. Biweekly content for USAID and Sweden
2. Monthly international newsletter
3. Any other documentation that is required for the best reach of the set forth results

Application procedure:

Interested candidates shall submit the following documents:

1. Motivation letter;

2. CV of the applicant.

The application package shall be submitted via email to:, copy to, with the subject line: „International Communication Consultant”, by December 6, 2019 (21:00). Only selected persons will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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