JOB DESCRIPTION: Graphic Designer for Education Programs

JOB Description – Graphic Designer

Tekwill Education Programs

”Tekwill in Every School” and ”Tekwill Academy” programs are seeking for a full-time Graphic Designer to join the project’s team. As a Graphic Designer you will be responsible for creating dynamic, thought-provoking materials. You should possess the ability create compelling and cohesive visuals to be included in presentations, digital and print materials, emails, our social media channels, websites, videos and more.

Key responsibilities:
• Design digital graphic materials for our digital presence, social media channels;
• Design printed materials for our events and other initiatives;
• Collaborate with internal team to create original content while maintaining our visual identity standards;
• Create visual stories from facts and information;
• Brainstorm and cooperate with the team on innovative ideas for our PR campaigns;
• Respond to project manager’s day-to-day requests;
• Develop design ideas that work across media, i.e. website, social media, video, and print;
• Maintain quality and creative execution while on deadline;
• Work in a cross-functional, collaborative team environment.

• 1-2 years experience as a graphic designer;
• A well-put-together portfolio;
• Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign required – Experience in Premiere, After Effects is a big plus;
• Talented Photographer is a big plus;
• Good organizational skills, follow-through, and ability to handle multiple projects under deadline;
• Pragmatic with creative executions always keeping eye on the objectives of the assignment;
• Ability to thrive in a dynamic environment and maintain high standards despite pressing deadlines;
• Take personal responsibility and accountability for their work;
• Excellent written and spoken English and Romanian;
• Graphic Design is your passion, not just your job;
• Ability to take constructive criticism.

• Competitive salary and social benefits;
• Free access to events inside Tekwill;
• Free access/Discounts to our educational programs;
• Access to our Sports and Relax rooms;
• Work in the most vibrant and modern Excellence Center in Moldova;
• Meet extraordinary people.

Send your CV and portfolio to &

Applications close on October 9th, 2020.

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