JOB DESCRIPTION: Account Manager

JOB DESCRIPTION: Account Manager


The goal of the project is to establish and operate a fully functional and sustainable ICT Excellence Centre in Moldova. The activity will establish and manage a physical facility for the Centre, provide for appropriate equipment and staff, and organize trainings and services to students and IT sector workers related to information and communications technology (ICT) within the Centre’s workforce development program.

Job Title: Account Manager

Basic Functions:

The Account Manager will be responsible for a wide range of technical responsibilities related to maintaining and fortifying relationships with the ICT Excellence Centre’s workforce development program beneficiaries.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

• Develop and distribute letters, emails, and other correspondence regarding product and service features and upgrades, company changes, welcome packages, and other materials for new and existing customers;
• Develop and update client related information and maintain clients’ database;
• Handle client issues throughout the project implementation life cycle in a timely and accurate fashion;
• Be in charge in the implementation of educational activities planned, scheduled and approved so that it proceeds smoothly;
• Weekly, monthly and quarterly tracking, evaluating and reporting on program’s attendance
• Maintain close contact with the project team and projects stakeholders;
• Provide support to the financial department by managing daily accounting tasks and primary accounting documentation;
• Must be able to address any customer issues and problems quickly to reflect the regard in which each customer is held;
• Prompt and successful responses to customer and client issues is a major point in retaining customers and can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth references that can lead to more business;
• Share input on product development, sales, marketing, and distribution based on conversations with existing customers;
• Report regularly to the Centre’s workforce development program Coordinator when appropriate, regarding decisions to be made, activities undertaken, and progress;
• Coordinate with the Social Media Marketing Manager to make sure messaging is appropriate, professional, effective and executed in accordance with the Centre’s workforce development program needs;
• Perform other tasks and assignments at the supervisors’ request.

• Contracts
• Reports (weekly, monthly, by request)
• Payment plans
• Suppliers database (updated) or other databases
• Minutes of meetings, decisions, memos, etc
• Communication materials
• Invoicing records
• Other as determined by the Supervisor

The Account Manager will report directly to the Centre’s workforce development program Coordinator. As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the Account Manager will also align and coordinate work with other staff as per direction from the Centre’s workforce development program Coordinator and Senior Project Coordinator.

• BA degree in information technologies, business, economics, or social sciences
• At least 2 years of relevant experience in customer relations services
• Previous sales experience and an organized approach to work
• Fluency in Romanian, and working proficiency in Russian and English (written and spoken)
• Good command of MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), Google Suite
• Knowledge of image editing software will be considered a strong benefit (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, other)
• Demonstrated experience of successfully multi-tasking across projects and delivering results within tight deadlines.

Personal qualifications:
• Reliable, accurate and systematic
• Goal-oriented, independent, committed, innovative and motivated
• Able and willing to learn and acquire new knowledge relevant to the function
• Excellent social and interpersonal communication skills and team spirit
• Results-oriented team player with very good analytical skills and problem-solving attitude
• Strong attention to detail and good analytical skills

Application procedure:
Interested candidates shall submit the following documents:

1. Motivation letter, including details of three reference persons;

2. Curriculum vitae of the applicant.
The application package shall be submitted via email to:, with the subject line: „Account Manager”, by October 9, 2019 (21:00). Only selected persons will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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