JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Project Assistant

JOB DESCRPTION: “Youth Maker Club Project” Assistant

The “Youth Maker Club” project (YMC) is implemented by the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC), supported by Liechtenstein Development Services (LED) which aims to promote the development of the ICT sector in the Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between the private companies, similar organizations, state institutions, international organizations in order to enhance the competitiveness and development of the sector and company capacities, enlarge the market, attract investments in the country and participate in the decision making and regulatory process on the national and international level.

The project YMC will create a nurturing learning environment that will provide a series of diversified activities, including fun ones that require hands-on application of science, technology and crafts (including mechanics, electricity, electronics). Beyond the technical skills, students will be able to strengthen essential soft skills like problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking, basic digital skills and working in teams. Students will be challenged to choose from a variety of Tekwill-based programs – from more technical workshops and meetups to activities that include making, building, “thinking with their hands” and designing while solving individually or in group a variety of tasks or real-life problems.

ATIC is looking for a Project Assistant for “Youth Maker Club” project

The Project Assistant will be responsible for a wide range of technical responsibilities related to carrying out activities under the project: “Youth Maker Club”, financed by Liechtenstein Development Service.

Main duties and responsibilities: 


Assisting project coordinator in monitoring activities, resources, equipment and information;
Assisting project coordinator in monitoring action plans, project schedules, work hours, budgets and expenditures;
Assisting project coordinator in gathering and structuring data and information necessary for project’s implementation;
Participate in project meetings and recommend improvements if needed;
Taking minutes during meetings and following-up the assigned tasks;
Tracking inventory and logistics needed for project’s activities;
Assessing logistic needs from trainers’ team and make up the logistics list;
Keep evidence of the students and their participation in the workshop;
Monitor budget and help ensure resources are used efficiently;
Assuring the documentation and invoice flow with suppliers and partners;
Tracking deadlines of the project’s activities;
Tracking project’s documentation and managing the files archive;
Report updates verbally and in written form to management;
Work with Project Coordinator on project tracking, monitoring and document control activities.



BSc or BA degree in information technologies, business, economics, education or social sciences.
Relevant experience in implementing projects or organizing events
Keen attention to detail and an aptitude for problem solving;
Able to proactively address potential issues;
Results-oriented team player with very good analytical skills and problem-solving attitude;
Fluency in Romanian and Russian (written and spoken), knowledge of English is an advantage.
Very good knowledge in PC Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).

Personal qualifications

Reliable, accurate and systematic;
Goal-oriented, independent, committed, innovative and motivated;
Able and willing to learn and acquire new knowledge relevant to the position;
Excellent social and interpersonal communication skills and team spirit.
Application procedure:
Interested candidates shall submit the following documents:
1. Motivation letter;
2. CV of the applicant.

The application package shall be submitted via email to:, with the subject line: „YMC Project Assistant”, by September 9, 2019 (21:00). Only selected persons will be contacted. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

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