Job announcement – Legal and fiscal consultant

Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) is currently looking for a Legal and Fiscal Consultant/ Manager to assist ATIC on its ongoing initiatives in relation to the government authorities.

Working regime: expected full time assessment, for minimum 6 months from the hiring date. Other types of working regimes could be negotiated based on the candidate qualities.

General tasks:
Consultant will provide consultancy and assistance on the issues related to:

1. General aspects of the Moldovan regulatory framework
 Main laws and regulations applicable in the ICT sector
 Licensing requirements
 Personal data protection

2. Tax system and tax administration:
 General aspects Moldovan tax framework
 Tax incentives and its applicability
 General principles of tax administration
 Issues related to tax inspection

3. Labour law:
 General aspects of the Moldovan labour legislation
 Basic clauses of the individual employement agreement
 Moldovan Classification of Occupations

4. Public procurement:
 Applicability of public procurement
 Participation to the public procurement
 Types and procedures applicable upon public procurement

5. Intellectual property:
 Overview of the Moldova IP legal framework
 Copyright over IT products

Specific tasks:

The consultant will work closely with ATIC member companies in order to:

 Evaluate the current issues described in the ICT Policy White Book and other stringent issues that may arise from the side of the members
 Prioritize the issues and the relevant topics to be clarified with the competent authorities
 Constantly be in discussion with the members of ATIC related to these topics
 Aggregate the feedback and recommendations of the ATIC members in a common message with a shared view of actions and impact
 Provide support throughout the discussion with public authorities, including drafting official letters and requests on behalf of the Association and representing the Association within official working meetings
 Provide prompt feedback about the impact of strategic decisions in the ICT sector.

• Economic/Legal or other relevant background
• Good understanding of the ICT related regulatory framework
• Excellent communication, organization and managerial skills
• Capabilities of working in a dynamic team
• Ability to be self-motivated
• Previous experience in the Legal/fiscal field
• English, Romanian and Russian proficiency is mandatory
• Openness, responsibility and creativity are very important
• Interest to work with IT Companies

Interested candidates are welcome to send their CVs and motivation letters to the address, including in the subject ATIC Legal and fiscal Consultant, name and surname.

Deadline for submission: July 21, 2014, 18:00.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted for the interview.


The Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies is a non-governmental association whose mission is to advance the competitiveness of the ICT sector and promote the ICT as a core enabler for national economic development. On the international stage the Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies promotes the industry’s potential as a reliable business partner for international IT and BP outsourcing clients.

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