JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Human Resources Manager


THE MOLDOVAN ASSOCIATION OF ICT COMPANIES (“ATIC”) is the business Organization uniting 45 companies. Umbrella Organization gathering over 5000 employees.

Being established in 2006, ATIC is the action leading association and the voice of the Moldovan ICT industry that promotes the development of the ICT sector in Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between companies, similar organizations, government, state institutions and international organizations. The association was founded to represent the industry on different policy and legislative issues and to facilitate the exchange of best practices between members. ATIC mission is to protect and promote the Association members’ interests as well as facilitate a more favorable ICT business climate.

About Tekwill:

The ICTEC Project started as a USAID program implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC). In 2016, the Government of Sweden joined the program and expanded the operations and content programs of Tekwill. The project is implemented as a private-public partnership (though Global Development Alliances instrument (GDA)), between the Moldovan Government, private industry, academia and donors. The private partners include multinational companies, IBM and Microsoft, and also Moldovan Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) members that are local (operated) ICT companies. The private partners bring significant new resources, ideas, software, technologies and development activities, such as trainings, practical assignments, and mentorship. The private sector partners will have the chance to use the center to communicate with the university, SMEs, startups, professionals and contribute to the curricula improvement answering the market needs, as well as the improvement of the IT and entrepreneurship ecosystem that will lead to the economic growth of the country. The Government of Moldova supports this project at the highest level of the Prime Minister, and the partners include Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Education, and E-Government Center.

About Startup City Cahul:

EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul is a project implemented by the National Association of ICT Companies over a period of 4 years starting September 2020-September 2024, financed by the European Delegation to Moldova through Sweden. The project is in line with the Annual Action Programme 2019 in favour of the Republic of Moldova and its Action entitled ‘EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul’, based on the Commission Decision ENI/2019/042-243.

The overall objective of the Action is to harness and strengthen the potential of the digital economy and enhance regional competitiveness, its business and its investment environment.

The specific objectives are:

Foster partnerships for innovation and entrepreneurship between the private sector, public sector and educational institutions in the region of Cahul.
Promote technology, problem solving and creative solutions in learning and make STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) more attractive for women and men, girls and boys.
Facilitate the emergence of start-ups in innovative sectors, build their capacity and investment readiness.
Under the programmatic approach, the Action will contribute to the regional development of Cahul, in agreement with the Government of Moldova’s strategies for regional growth and well-being. The initiative will involve the major regional stakeholders and a general memorandum of understanding will be negotiated to seek commitment of the governmental authorities.


The purpose of this assignment is for the consultant to act as the technical and management short term expert for the following purposes:

Prepare job descriptions for Tekwill Project, EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul and other related projects within ATIC.
Prepare announcements and spread through relevant channels
Conduct interview and identify successful candidates
Prepare Scope of Works, set KPIs for each person.
Monitor the performance evaluation of each person based on the bi-annual performance evaluation
Negotiate contracts with each candidate
Prepare evaluation assessments for each position
Develop and monitor all necessary documentation for individual contracts, consultants, and any other assignment: hiring, internal orders, timesheets, service delivery acts, etc.
Conduct evaluation of the staff of ICTEC/Tekwill project
Conduct introduction trainings for new personnel
Conduct relevant trainings for staff in key areas
Define areas of skills upgrade
Keep records of personnel timesheets, annual leaves, sick leaves, etc.
Work in close collaboration with the Strategic Projects Director and his/her Designees.


Carry out the assignment as defined in the SOW.
Complete the final deliverables in a timely manner as defined below.
Conduct all business in a manner that respects local culture.
Maintain high ethical standards, avoiding any actual or perceived conflicts of interest.


Lead and oversee the human resources procedures, activities and documentation;
Keep track of relevant documentation;
Assist the team in implementing their duties at highest quality and level possible;
Other relevant activities to the job


SOWs for personnel
Minutes of selection meetings
Evaluation report
Contracts and signed SOWs
Delivery of trainings
Training reports
Monthly acceptance of documents
Monthly monitoring documents related to HR policies and procedures


The level of effort (LOE) in days needed for this assignment is expected FTE, however PTE could be negotiated based on the candidate experience


The consultant will perform his/her duties in Moldova, as indicated in the SOW.


The assignment will begin on/about April, 2021 and end on/about April 2022.


Interested candidates are welcome to submit their CVs and motivation letters in English language by April 15, 2021, 16:00 to No late submissions will be taken into consideration.  The subject of the e-mail will include the following information:

Name/Surname, Human Resources Manager

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for a further interview.

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