Who we are

THE MOLDOVAN ASSOCIATION OF ICT COMPANIES (“ATIC”) is the business Organization uniting more than 60 companies. Umbrella Organization gathering over 7000 employees.

Being established in 2006, ATIC is the action leading association and the voice of the Moldovan ICT industry that promotes the development of the ICT sector in Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between companies, similar organizations, government, state institutions and international organizations. The association was founded to represent the industry on different policy and legislative issues and to facilitate the exchange of best-practices between members. ATIC mission is to protect and promote the Association members’ interests as well as facilitate a more favorable ICT business climate.

Moldovan Association of ICT Companies promotes the development of the ICT sector in the Republic of Moldova through viable partnerships between companies, similar organizations, universities, state institutions, international organizations in order to enhance the development of the sector and members capacities, enlarge the market, improve the ICT workforce capacities, protect current investments in the country and participate in the decision making and regulatory process on the national and international level. ATIC will actively promote the interests of the members, by helping delivering the benefits of the ICT sector, while meeting the legitimate concerns of the members.

Job Title: ATIC Policy Manager

ATIC is looking for an extraordinary Policy Manager oriented at the development of the ICT sector. The Policy Manager is responsible for actively managing with the team the relations with key stakeholders at both the central and local levels and actively seeking to understand and communicate the key concerns of the ICT sector and member companies. Develop strategies, analyze local and international best practices. Monitor relevant policy developments and provide timely updates to the team and/or members. Experience and knowledge of the ICT sector will be considered a plus.

Competencies. Knowledge and skills

·       Experience in policy settings, prior technology policy experience preferred.

·       Passionate about public policy (experience with tech policy preferred).

·       Experience working with government officials, industry partners, and/ or international organizations.

·       Skilled at advocating complex policy positions before a wide variety of audiences, persuasively and diplomatically.

·       Adept at building relationships at the individual level and coalitions at the organization level

·       Sweats the details of complicated and nuanced issues, from a policy, business, and relationships perspective.

·       Strategic thinking skills and experience addressing complex challenges.

·       Excellent writing skills and ability to appropriately tailor communications to different types of internal and external audiences.

·       Exceptional written and verbal communication skills.

·       Great interpersonal skills and ability to work well in a fast paced team environment.

·       Bachelor in Law, Business, Economics, IT or other areas relevant for the implementation of described responsibilities.

·       At least 5 years of professional working experience in a relevant industry in private sector, public institution, international development organization or business association, or in a comparable and relevant position.

·       Proven ability to interact with senior managers of international corporations/ organizations and high-level officials.

·       A developed professional network within relevant government and industry stakeholders is advantageous.

·       Fluent written and oral knowledge of Romanian/Russian and English.

·       Working knowledge of standard office software.

Key Responsibilities:

·       Proactively support the ATIC’s overall government outreach and advocacy efforts, developing strong relationships with assigned ministries/organizations and actively seeking opportunities to engage on behalf of the sector and member company interests.

·       Organize meetings with government representatives. Coordinate ATIC Committees position and priorities.

·       Develop the drafting and reviewing process of ATIC advocacy products, including policy papers, guides, ICT Sector White Book and other sector surveys.

·       Support efforts to conduct specific policy-focused analysis, perspectives and reports, including regulatory submissions to the government

·       Cooperating with ATIC members with respect to developing reports and position papers on business and legislative topics.

·       Drafting of documents such as strategic policy briefings, official letters to the public sector, policy statements, policy and legal position papers 

·       Monitoring and analyzing international ICT trends and best practices to be further recommended for Moldova.

·       Monitoring new policies and announcements from the government.

·       Supporting the organization of the meetings with public sector representatives.

·       Supporting the organization and delivery of public affairs and communications elements of ATIC’s events. 

·       Providing support on special projects and requests as needed. 


Application procedure:

Interested promising candidates are welcome to submit their CVs until March 18, 2021, 18:00 to The subject of the email will include the following information: Name/Surname/Policy Manager.

Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. ATIC retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

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