JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Administrative Project Assistant

 SOW: Tekwill Project

Reference Agreement number: Cooperative Agreement No. AID-117-A-15-00002

Job description: Administrative Project Assistant

Job location: Chisinau


Tekwill has been designed as a national public private partnership between the Government of Moldova, USAID, Microsoft, and IBM to answer the needs of the ICT industry to close the gap of the human capital shortage, as well as support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.

The next phase of the project is envisaged to fortify the existing Tekwill’s capacity, create linkages with other universities and expand the activities to a national level. New activities are planned to transform Tekwill into a strategic focal point for Moldova in relation to boosting creativity, innovation and growth in the ICT sector.

New activities are planned to transform Tekwill into a strategic focal point for Moldova in relation to boosting creativity, innovation and growth in the ICT sector. Several more universities are seeking to be part of this initiative, which involves private sector and development partners in modernization of the curricular content, as well as the Ministry of Education is opened to promote the optional programs developed by Tekwill to be accessible in schools under a ”Tekwill in every school” program. Each program will be designed and developed being adapted to the context of the region, school, university involved in the process. The programs will be all inclusive aiming at involving different target groups such as children, women, students, etc.

The initial goal of the project is to contribute to the extension of the Tekwill project as a sustainable network and deploy its programs on regional/national level. The project aims at determining the operation model of the network, determining business plans for the relevant created centers or partners in the regions, deploy scalable activities to connect an estimated of 150,000 people to ICT (school and university students, community, etc.), deploy entrepreneurship programs aiming at both scaling up existing programs, as well as create inclusive innovation platforms for the regions with their respective specifics and potential to absorb/apply ICT. We envision a minimum 10,000 beneficiaries/year for each direction (education and entrepreneurship) As a result of the project, 2 main outcomes of the project are expected: more and better qualified skills and workforce developed leading to a stronger ICT industry in Moldova, as well as creating the premises for a Startup Moldova program driving opportunities for companies seeking capitalization.

The overarching goal of the Tekwill as a network is to ensure maximum impact on Moldova’s economy though enhancing the entrepreneurial and educational capacity, as well as Research & Development potential of the higher education institutions in line with the industry needs; hence achieving quantitative and qualitative increase in qualified ICT professionals and ICT skills and nurturing successful technology startups based on modern ecosystem and world-class sales and marketing force. The project will expand the current areas of cooperation and continue to contribute to growing competitiveness of the ICT industry and of other economic sectors on a national level.

The project aims to:

Mitigate the human capital gap identified as the major problem for the ICT sector
Expand successful Tekwill programs into the regions
Impact the IT related educational system by contributing at nurturing STEM education
Develop curricular and extracurricular educational programs to be adopted nationwide in partnership with leading private ICT Companies
Assess the existing startup ecosystem and improve its investment opportunities
Create linkages between ICT and non-ICT businesses
Provide support to projects/startups in assessing the global market
Create premises for favorable investment instruments such as seed funding, acceleration programs, venture funding, etc.
Encourage and support tech community events
Get affiliated to international hubs, innovation centers, camps (such as Google campus, Station F, etc).Empower women/girls to participate in ICT educational programs and entrepreneurial activities provide access to Tekwill content and programs for talented kids from underserved and remote areas, supporting career orientation, STEM educational programs, etc.

JOB TITLE: Administrative Project Assistant

The Administrative Project Assistant will be responsible for assisting the project implementation team in project related activities, ensuring smooth operations of the project and consistency of project implementation according to the donor(s) rules and regulations, supporting planning, monitoring and evaluation activities of the project, in close coordination with the supervisor.

General responsibilities:

Carry out the assignment as defined in the SOW;
Complete the final deliverables in a timely manner;
Conduct all business respecting local culture;
Maintain high ethical standards, avoiding any actual or perceived conflict of interests;
Support all aspects of project implementation as needed.

Specific responsibilities:

Participate in the implementation of the project related activities;
Maintain up-to-date files and records of project documentation, including primary financial documentation, minutes of the meetings, other based on need;
Prepare and distribute incoming and outgoing communication; including, but not limited to formal correspondence/letters/agreements, project fact sheets and newsletters, meeting minutes, success stories and learning materials.
Draft and review project documents such as minutes, contracts, and letters, etc.;
Provide logistical support for workshops, trainings, events and other meetings as tasked by the supervisor(s);
Prepare documentation related to procurement process and assist/carry out the procurements planned within the project;
Prepare transactional documents in support of operations processes and facilitate coordination of financial procedures;
Provide translation/interpretation when required;
Prepare and distribute incoming and outgoing communication; including, but not limited to formal correspondence/letters/agreements, project fact sheets and newsletters, meeting minutes, success stories and learning materials.
Prepare transactional documents in support of operations processes and facilitate coordination of financial procedures;

Requirements and qualifications:

Education and Experience: University Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree and minimum one year of similar experience (project implementation set-up, NGO activity).

Language skills: excellent oral and written communication skills in Romanian and English. Russian language knowledge will be considered an advantage.

Computer skills Proficient with Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, etc.)

Other: Proven administrative skills, including ability to perform duties that require attention to details; Ability to prioritize tasks, assume responsibility for work, and follow through to completion, Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills.

Application procedure:

Interested candidates shall submit CV and motivation letter, in English, by April 15, 2021 to The subject of the email will include the following information: Name/Surname/Project Assistant/Tekwill

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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