IT industry development Concept Strategy proposed for public debates

The ICT Ministry has launched a series of public debates regarding the IT industry development Concept Strategy. In the first consultancy rounds have participated IT companies’ representatives and also the public sector. The Strategy vision has been introduced by the Deputy Minister of ICT, Dona Scola, who thanked the Executive Director of ICT Development Agency of Armenia, Bagrat Yengibaryan and USAID CEED II Project for their support and assistance in elaboration of the document.

‘’Our goal is to explore the ICT sector potential, that increases the public sector efficiency with 70% and with 40% the efficiency of the whole economy. Therefore, we should actively influence through public policies the education quality, the business environment and the innovation infrastructure’’, emphasized Dona Scola. The Strategy’s goal is to assure a developed and known ICT sector, formed by companies that produce competitive solutions with a high added value for a knowledge based economy. According to the document, in the next 10 years the IT sector will grow with an 25% average and the number of companies will triple.

The private and public sector representatives have greeted the elaboration of the ICT Development Strategy and expressed their willing for a further collaboration. A special mention was given to the institutional framework for implementation, who would assure an efficient collaboration between the stakeholders from the public and private sector and the academic community. The institutional framework will be completed with a specialized institution for the development of the ICT sector, which will coordinate the implementation of the Strategy, partnership building, investment attraction and Moldovan ICT sector promotion on the target markets.

The defined proposals and suggestions resulted from consultancies will be taken into consideration in order to complete the project. The Deputy Minister Dona Scola has informed that the work group aims to obtain Government’s approval for the Strategy project and for the decision to create an IT sector Agency until the ending of March. This way the document could be presented at the ICT Summit days (16th and 17th of April).

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