Extended deadline. Hiring: ICT System and Network Administrator


ICT System and Network Administrator


The goal of the project is to establish and operate a fully functional and sustainable ICT Excellence Centre in Moldova. The activity will establish and manage a physical facility for the Centre, provide for appropriate equipment and staff, and organize trainings and services to students and IT sector workers related to information and communications technology (ICT).

Job Title: ICT System and Network Administrator

Basic Functions:

The ICT System and Network Administrator is responsible for all operational and technical aspects of computer hardware, software, and IT-related installations in the Center’s premises.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

• Help develop and implement basic office systems and accompanying procedures
• Oversee procurement of the ICT Excellence Center’s equipment and commodities in coordination with the Senior Project Coordinator
• Arrange for and oversee the maintenance of office equipment
• Ensure Center’s computer connectivity, network, and internet services
• Ensure smooth operation of project computer systems and equipment
• Monitor, integrate, and control computers, the server, and laptops for proper operation
• Prepare specifications for hardware and software for procurement
• Assist to select the vendor for hardware, software and the LAN network through a competitive process
• Supervise the installation of the network hardware
• Install application software in a local area network environment and train project’s personnel on it use and administration if required
• Define operating procedures to improve coordination and efficiency of network operations
• Be available on-call in the event of computer system anomalies to assist in investigation and corrective action
• Perform procedures to enable reliable data protection and recovery of the corporate data resources
• Orient new employees and visitors to the systems available in the Center’s premises
• Create and maintain Center’s intranet website if appropriate
• Assist in M&E database development and management
• Provide daily operational and maintenance (help desk) services to project IT users: troubleshooting and repairs for hardware, software and network problems.
• Serve as primary liaison with IT-related vendors and suppliers

The ICT System and Network Administrator will report directly to the Senior Project Coordinator and also receives overall direction from the Facility Manager.

As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the ICT System and Network Administrator will also align and coordinate work with the Business Development/Community Manager and Education & Skills Development Manager. The ICT System and Network Administrator will also work with other staff as per direction from the Senior Project Coordinator.

• B.A. or similar technical study degree
• At least 5 years of experience in IT positions.
• Fluency in English and Romanian
• Experience in programming and managing web based applications
• Skilled in use of SQL Server
• Skilled in fifth generation programming
• Experience with sophisticated database applications
• Experience with network management
• Experience with the design and management of interactive web pages
• Experience in server and software configuration
• Remote management and servicing of applications


CVs will be sent by email to executive@ict.md.

Shall indicate the following details:
Name / Surname of the candidate, ICT System and Network Administrator

The deadline for submitting CVs is October 31, 2016 17.00. CVs submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Ana Chirita
Executive Director
National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)
str. Maria Cibotari 28, 2012 MD Chisinau, Moldova
Phone / Fax: +373 22 887000
E-mail: executive@ict.md
Website: www.ict.md

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