DIGITAL SME is set to foster collaboration among 20 associations of ICT SMEs in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries

  • DIGITAL SME facilitates the cooperation between EU and Eastern Partnership (EaP) business associations to strengthen support to their ICT SMEs.
  • 20 ICT SME associations have come together to lay the foundations for sustainable collaboration between the two regions.
  • Through DIGITAL SME’s participation in the EU4Business: Connecting Companies project, the EaP and EU associations will organise together B2B matchmaking events for SMEs, work in thematic working groups of their interest, receive trainings and additional visibility opportunities.

DIGITAL SME, together with its partner the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC), have joined forces under the EU4Business: Connecting Companies project, co-funded by the European Commission. The two associations are bringing together their networks of ICT SME supporting organisations from the European Union and Eastern Partnership in order to create a better innovation environment in both regions and strengthen the collaboration among them.

Eight organisations from Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine have joined 12 DIGITAL SME member associations to design common activities. Their collaboration builds on a recognition of the need to strengthen the innovation ecosystems and resilience of economies in the two neighbouring regions by promoting sustainable digitalisation enabled by digital SMEs. As a result, the organisations will jointly promote business collaboration between the regions by sharing skills and knowledge, exchanging good practices and policy expertise, promoting business collaborations and trade.

The concrete activities will launch in the following weeks, offering four B2B matchmaking events for SMEs, development of the new services for SMEs (participation in international working groups, accessing funding opportunities), trainings for SMEs and business associations, and more. One of the first public activities – B2B matchmaking – is coming up at the beginning of March! Any interested SME organisations can get more information and join the activities by signing up here.

EU4Business: Connecting Companies is managed by EUROCHAMBRES and funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.

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