EU-Strategy for the Danube Region 

On behalf of the National Association of Private ICT Companies, we highly encourage ATIC Members, as well as other ICT companies to join the forum and apply as soon as possible for DANUBE REGION BUSINESS FORUM 2013, which will take place during November 14-15, 2013 in Vienna organized by The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. 

This is an attempt is to bring together companies, especially SME via B2B meetings as well as the private sector with academia and the public sector of the Region to stimulate growth, innovation and competitiveness in the Danube Region. 
The participation at this event is free of charge.
The themes of this year’s Forum are:   
  1. ICT – New Developments in Information and Communication Technology  
  2. Workshops 
  • e-Health
  • e-Government 


B2B talks: You will be able to arrange face-to-face talks with the companies and representative of research institutions of your choice (on a first-come, first-served basis) between 21 October and 11 November, 2013.   
Dates for your diary 




10 Nov

Registration and submission of a cooperation profile

21 Oct – 10 Nov

Participants select B2B meetings

11 Nov

You will receive your personalized meeting schedule

14 Nov

FORUM (9:00 – 13:00)
B2B meetings (13:30 – 17:30)

15 Nov

B2B meetings (09:00 – 12:00)


To participate at the forum, we kindly ask you to complete the application form until November 10th, 2013. In order to facilitate your participation (issues related to travel, accommodation, visa, if needed), please CC us on that at office@ict.md.  

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber has been very kind offering free accommodation for a number of Moldovan delegates. To benefit of it, do not hesitate to contact us at office@ict.md for further details.  
 * An early registration and submission of profiles would be appreciated in order to facilitate the coordination of B2B-Meetings.

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