B2B Portal for ICT Companies has been officially launched!


Yesterday, July 25, has been launched the Business to Business Portal of ICT companies, developed by ATIC with the support of USAID CEED II Project. The event gathered the representatives of ICT companies, Ministry of ICT, and also development partners.

In the last four years, National Association of Private ICT Companies has dedicated resources and efforts in order to continuously present, promote and improve the ICT sector.

Because we care, we come to introduce a new service, namely: Portal of ICT Companies, designed to provide the opportunity for offer, products and service aggregation for non IT companies, and also to serve as a platform for contact making, external promotion and access to foreign investments.

Now, the search for products, services and companies from the information and communication technologies sector will be much easier thanks to filters and advanced profiles of the companies on this site.

All ICT companies can easily register directly on b2b.ict.md or request additional information at marketing@ict.md.
In the next 6 months ATIC plans a series of promotional activities designed to increase demand for ICT products and services in Moldova, but also to enhance the industry’s image and international ICT companies: Presentations for Non IT, online promotion, press releases.

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