B2B Portal for ICT Companies

The National Association of ICT Private Companies is launching an initiative to help businesses grow and find more partners inside and outside the country – the B2B Portal for ICT Companies (Business to Business Portal).

The idea comes to satisfy business needs in information, growth and contact making, as well as serve as a marketing platform for the industry and country.

The B2B Portal for ICT Companies is designed to serve as a platform for the private sector in the Republic of Moldova. ATIC’s main purpose is to maintain a favorable business environment for the local ICT firms and promote Moldova as a global destination for Value-Added IT Outsourcing and BPO (business process outsourcing).

ATIC has got to a point where it realizes the importance of increasing its visibility and awareness in the market. Another essential topic that ATIC wants to achieve is to make it more easy for the public to understand what the Association does in terms of transparency, activity, visibility and contact making.

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