B2B meeting “ERP systems and their influence on achieving the company’s strategy”

On September 5 took place the first event from a series of B2B meetings with the participation of the IT and non-IT dedicated at presenting the IT products and solutions for the development and improvement of business processes in other sectors of the economy.

The initiative is carried out by the USAID CEED II project in partnership with the National Association of Private ICT Companies and aims to create a favorable environment for communication, matchmaking, initiation of new collaborations. Thus, the goal behind this initiative is to assist the companies from non-IT sectors (as textile industry, furniture, food industry etc.) to be able to find out more information about innovative products and systems that contribute to operational cost reduction, optimization of internal process, effective and efficient use of hardware and software infrastructure, as well manage the human resources and client database of the company.

Another task to be completed by this program is to help the IT companies learn about the pressing needs of the other sector enterprises in terms of technologies needed to develop business, and the challenges they encounter in the implementation of IT solutions, as well as identify and meet new partners and potential clients for their businesses.

The first meeting was held under the title “ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) and their influence on achieving the company’s strategy”. 4 IT companies operating on the Moldovan market presented the key components of an ERP system, the implementation and the necessary resources, the advantages of ERP systems within the enterprise, the ways in which ERP systems facilitate the management of the company, as well as the differentiators they bring with its implementation. The presentations were followed by discussions and questions from the participants on client relevant features.

The meeting is part of a whole series of presentations. The next planned meeting will take place in October and will be dedicated to the presentation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions. All the interested are invited to participate.

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