ATIC launched the IT Career media campaign

Want to work in a dynamic, interesting and challenging environment where innovation is the keyword and the only limits are those established by your imagination? Would you like to have a high salary, a bright future and a prosperous life here, in Moldova? The ICT sector gives you all these opportunities! Moreover, in a world where technologies are becoming increasingly important, IT allows you to be one step ahead of everyone.

The National Association of Private ICT Companies continues the IT career promotion by launching a media campaign aimed to raise the interest of young people on the prospects for development and professional growth in the ICT field.

The campaign includes TV and radio broadcasting of the IT Career promotional video starting June 26 to July 26. The video features several milestones on real opportunities and benefits the IT field provides, encouraging young people to choose studies in this field and to choose the specialty that fits their expectations and future plans. The people from the promotional video are IT professionals from Moldova who have managed to build a successful career in a field that revolutionizes the world every day.

The media campaign will include online promotion, publishing of success stories, and active dialogue with young people through social networks. More details about the campaign, but also useful information on the admissions process, internship opportunities, extracurricular study options and much more are available on the “Aleg Cariera IT” facebook group and ”Aleg Cariera IT” facebook page.

The IT Career media campaign is realized with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports through the Grants Program for 2013, USAID CEED II Project, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), from the Austrian Development Cooperation funds, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of Moldova.

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