ATIC is looking for a Community Manager (Cahul-based)

Project: EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul

Reference Agreement number: 13797

Job description for Community Manager (Cahul-based)


The Government of Sweden has entered into a delegated agreement with the European Delegation in June 2020 for the implementation of Startup City Cahul Project aiming to develop a regional ICT Innovation Center for the Cahul region. The National Association of ICT Companies has entered into an agreement with Sweden on September 15, 2020 for the implementation of the project.

The project is in line with the Annual Action Programe 2019 in favor of the Republic of Moldova and its Action entitled ‘EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul’, based on the Commission Decision ENI/2019/042-243.

The overall objective of the Action is to harness and strengthen the potential of the digital economy and enhance regional competitiveness, its business and its investment environment.

Project specific objectives:

–        Foster partnerships for innovation and entrepreneurship between the private sector, public sector and educational institutions in the region of Cahul;

–        Promote technology, problem solving and creative solutions in learning and make STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) more attractive for women and men, girls and boys;

–        Facilitate the emergence of start-ups in innovative sectors; build their capacity and investment readiness.


The main purpose and objective of the Community Manager is to coordinate all ecosystem activities, grow communities under Startup City Cahul Project, and offer a broad variety of engaging programs to support startup ecosystem beneficiaries in the Cahul rayon and neighboring regions.


–       Prepare concepts for new activities, working plans, monthly plans, operational plans and budgets of each initiative;

–       Organize and participate in events (online and offline) to build community and boost brand awareness;

–       Provide engaging text, image and video content for social media communication accounts;

–       Monitor, track and report on the progress of the companies/ individuals benefiting from the community building activities;

–       Conceptualize events and campaigns inclusive for students and youth to boost the qualified human resources within the region;

–       Build relationships with startups, industry professionals and stakeholders;

–       Build the mentors network for the entrepreneurship activities;

–       Respond to comments and customer queries in a timely manner;

–       Coordinate with the supervisor and the team on ongoing campaign and events;

–       Report in accordance with the formal reporting and follow all procurements rules of the organization.


–       Maintain administrative systems, including communication logs, budget trackers, and filing systems, including properly filing and archiving of all administrative contractual, personal, and programmatic documents both electronically and hard copy.

–       Assist in the preparation of reports and presentation materials, specifically regarding formatting and presentation using the appropriate software.

–       Assist in the procurement of office supplies, responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of office equipment and maintain office inventory records.

–       Assist the project technical staff in arranging travel and hotel accommodations, assist short-term consultants with logistical issues and administrative necessities, and maintain calendar records of office activities and employee travel and leave.


The Local Community Manager will report to the National Startups Support Manager. As teamwork is crucial to the success of the project, the local Community Manager will also align and coordinate work with the local (Cahul) team and other staff as per direction from the Project Director.

Requirements and qualifications:

–       Education and Experience: University Diploma/ Bachelor’s Degree in Economic, Engineering (technical Backround) or related domains and minimum three years of experience;

–       Language skills: excellent oral and written communication skills in Romanian, Russian and English;

–       Computer skills: Proficient with Microsoft Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, etc.)

–       Other:

o  A good understanding of the startup mindset, business processes and tools within startups;

o  Good strategic, financial and commercial know – how;

o  Strong interpersonal skills – able to work effectively with different kinds of communities with different norms and communication styles.

Place of performance

The Community Manager will perform his/her duties in Cahul, Republic of Moldova.

Application procedure:

Interested candidates shall submit CV and motivation letter, in English, by February 20, 2021 to . The subject of the email will include the following information: Name/Surname/Local Startup Manager/Startup City Cahul.

Extended deadline: April 29, 2021

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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