ATIC is launching ATIC Jobs Newsletter!

The National Association of ICT Companies is launching ATIC Jobs Newsletter. This regular edition will share market’s most wanted jobs, internships and trainings from over 60 ICT companies. ATIC Jobs Newsletter will be sent to the subscribers every two weeks, listing available vacancies, internships and trainings on the ICT market.

ATIC Jobs Newsletter was created with the commitment of the HR & Education Committee. Our goal is to facilitate the connection between companies and potential employees, trainees and enthusiasts ready to embrace a career in ICT. ATIC considers that the Newsletter will be a generator of employment opportunities, which will increase the share of the ICT sector on the labor market. In particular, young people will be encouraged to integrate into one of the highest paid and best performing areas of the labor market.

We encourage all to subscribe the Newsletter for free by using this link:

Also, we are announcing the ATIC members to join this initiative. For more details you can contact us here:


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