Apply now for Tekwill Academy PHP Fundamentals course!

Applications NOW OPEN!

Tekwill Academy in partnership with Pentalog are happy to announce the start of application process for the ‘PHP Fundamentals’ course to take place in Chisinau starting end of October. Tekwill Academy is an educational initiative of the Development of Moldova ICT Excellence Center project, supported by USAID.


Upon course completion, the participant will learn to develop a web application from scratch, gain practical skills in working with Symfony 3 framework, versioning tools, deploying the product on a development/production server, identifying potential problems in the initial phases of development, and create REST API available for others.


Introduction to OOP principles. Object, class, abstract class, interface, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation.

Configuring web environment. Apache, Linux, MySQL, mongo DB, website deployment, basic Linux usage.

Code versioning principles (GIT). Commit, merge, rebase, push, pull, merge requests and code validation.

PHP classes, namespace, OOP. PHP evolution, syntax overview, classes, interfaces, abstract classes, inheritance, access modifiers, traits. Lambda functions and closures, garbage collection, built-in web-server, fatal errors and exceptions handling.

Databases. Introduction to MySQL. Introduction to mongo DB.

Unit testing the projects

Symfony 3 MVC pattern, services, dependency injection, outing, forms, security, mailing, API, unit testing, functional testing.

Design Patterns. GOF patterns.

Development of a project from scratch based on latest trends of team and project organization


Starting October 26th, classes will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the evening, and on Saturdays in the morning. Course duration is 7 weeks, 56 training hours.


During the course the students will gain practical experience by developing a social network project. All participants will work on different modules of the same project, using SCRUM with time-boxed sprints.


The candidate should possess basic knowledge of web development, PHP syntax, HTML, CSS, JS, knowledge of OOP principles, good grasp of algorithms, as well as familiarity with SQL relational databases. Experience working in Linux/OsX environment, with Symfony/Silex/Laravel or analogue frameworks, Git and understanding of design patterns will be a plus. 


*This course is offered for free as part of Tekwill Academy pilot program. Only those who pass the selection process will be invited to the course.

Candidates are asked to fill out the Application Form by October 13, 2016 and be available to come on the selected test day. Application process consists of a technical test and an English test. Candidates will be tested on their reading and audio comprehension (speaking ability is not required). While course material is in English the trainers will be teaching the course in Ro/Ru (depending on majority of group).



Alexei Panin, Scrum Master, Pentalog

Course Trainer

Started career as a Junior PHP Developer in 2008. Navigated in the world of IT challenges, such as design and development of high-load applications, Big Data processing, social marketing systems and a bit of mobile development. Even if now he is a scrum master, he likes to keep his hands dirty, and when there is a need, he actively participates in the development of smart solutions on the project he is involved in.


Petru Darii, PHP Developer, Pentalog

Teaching Assistant

Web Developer,  that got here after using multiple languages and discovering that javascript and java are two different things! 🙂 He takes pleasure from optimising things and observing how the world (a.k.a client) becomes much better when the app runs faster. He’s a suspicious fellow because, if everything runs properly from the first try, it’s clear that something is wrong.


Pentalog is a customer-oriented IT engineering group providing IT outsourcing and consulting services to startups, SMBs and multinational companies. Our global approach, strategic mindset and Agile practices have made us a disruptive service provider on the international business scene.

Since Chisinau’s agency opening in 2005, Pentalog is an important player on the Moldovian IT market that contributes continuously to IT community development.

Tekwill Academy

Tekwill Academy is an educational initiative within Tekwill ICT Excellence Center, supported by USAID, which will offer regular technical courses throughout the year, taught by programmers and IT professionals from Moldova.  Programs offered will contain a strong practical component led by trainers-practitioners, where participants will work in teams on projects in conditions similar to what they would experience at a company. Tekwill Academy was created to increase the level of preparation of ICT professionals in Moldova, by focusing on developing practical skills demanded in this highly competitive field. 

                                                                                      Apply Now!

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