Administrator/Startup City Cahul Foundation – Extended Deadline

1.    Background

The Government of Sweden has entered into a delegated agreement with the European Delegation and ATIC for the implementation of Startup City Cahul Project aiming to develop a regional ICT Innovation Center for the Cahul region.

The specific objectives are:

·         Foster partnerships for innovation and entrepreneurship between the private sector, public sector and educational institutions in the region of Cahul.

·         Promote technology, problem solving and creative solutions in learning and make STEM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) more attractive for women and men, girls and boys.

·         Facilitate the emergence of start-ups in innovative sectors, build their capacity and investment readiness.

Under the programmatic approach, the Action will contribute to the regional development of Cahul, in agreement with the Government of Moldova’s strategies for regional growth and well-being. The initiative will involve the major regional stakeholders and a general memorandum of understanding will be negotiated to seek commitment of the governmental authorities.

2.    About Startup City Cahul Foundation 

Startup City Cahul Foundation, a young and ambitious organization, is looking for an experienced management professional with excellent communication skills, interested in building and consolidating a new development entity in Cahul Region.

The postholder will oversee the development and implementation of the EU4Innovation Centre strategy, promotion for the Centre’s activity and the launch of cooperation projects with local and international partners. The postholder shall also lead and oversee the implementation of the Centre’s sustainability plan by diversifying the range of services, clients and beneficiaries, as well as creating new partnerships that can grow the development potential of the Cahul region.

The ideal candidate will have at least five years of experience in project management and fundraising, with demonstrated knowledge of the professional environment within the Cahul region or a keen interest in discovering and developing it. Candidates are also expected to be familiar with IT development trends, as well as the activity of tech development and innovation centres (IT hubs).

The Foundation was created within the EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul project (2020-2024), in order to harness and strengthen the potential of the digital economy. The Startup City Cahul Foundation aims to support the region’s business and investment sectors become more competitive, facilitate the establishment of innovation start-ups and develop their capacity to attract investments.

The Foundation was established by the State University of Cahul “Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu” (USCH). USCH is the implementation partner of the EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul project and the Centre’s de facto owner, given that the land on which the Centre stands is managed by the University. The Board of Directors is the Foundation’s highest governing body, composed of at least 5 members.

The Foundation’s activity will encourage partnerships between the private sector, the public sector and educational institutions in the Cahul region, with the aim to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) subjects among women and men, girls and boys in the region.

The Foundation will manage and maintain the Centre premises by organizing and/or hosting events for the regional tech community, forming a steady client base for the co-working and events spaces, as well as organizing and/or hosting training activities in the fields of IT and entrepreneurship.

Through the Centre’s development, the project aims to foster more interest towards the Cahul region, contributing to its economic growth through innovations and more opportunities for locals in Cahul district.

Job Title: Administrator/Startup City Cahul Foundation

3.    General Responsibilities:
–          Identifying potential partners, clients and strengthening partnerships, in line with the Foundation’s objectives;

–          Establishing partnerships for innovation and entrepreneurship in the Southern region between the private sector, the public sector and educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova;

–          Organizing and hosting activities that can bring added value to the image of the University

–          Supporting events of the regional tech community;

–          Identifying and attracting new beneficiaries and clients for the Centre and the Foundation;

–          Attracting new initiatives, projects and funding sources to support the Foundation and the Centre’s activity;

–          Building and strengthening the local Foundation team and the regional tech community;

–          Development and implementation of the Centre’s activity plans;

–          Connecting the local startup community to national and international tech hubs, research and innovation centres;

–          Development of educational and career guidance programs to strengthen capacity and skills in the area of tech/IT and entrepreneurship;

–          Development of service packages for clients and beneficiaries;

–          Providing logistical support to clients, residents, and beneficiaries;

–          Supervising and coordinating the activity of the Foundation’s team.

4.    Specific Responsibilities:

–          Management of the Foundation’s activity;

–          Implementing the decisions of the Foundation’s Board and other control bodies;

–          Administration of the Foundation’s resources (transactions, signing contracts, issuing power of attorney, opening and managing bank accounts, signing off on other financial documents as needed);

–          Preparing annual reports on the Foundation’s activity and informing the Board of Directors.

5.    Education/Qualifications:

–          A University degree in Education, Economy, International Development, Management or related fields;

–          A minimum of 5 years of relevant professional experience, including 3 years in a management; position. Experience implementing educational programs will be considered an asset;

–          Strong command of Romanian, Russian and English, both written and spoken;

–          Digital skills and competencies (Microsoft Office, collaborative work platforms etc.).

6.    Personal Qualifications:
–          Excellent communicator, in both verbal and written form;

–          Openness and a keen interest in innovation and novelty;

–          Ability and desire to work in a multidisciplinary and dynamic environment, both independently and as part of a team;

–          Mature and positive attitude, with a strong commitment to quality.

7.    Deliverables:
–          Activity plan for the Foundation/Centre;

–          List of services provided by the Centre;

–          Analysis of the region/competitors/added value;

–          Quarterly budget and financial reports;

–          Monthly activity report (number of clients, partnerships, events, resources etc.);

–          A minimum of 10 partnership agreements;

–          Portfolio for collaborations;

–          A minimum of 5 concepts/project proposals;

–          Fundraising strategy/action plan/implementation plan.

8.    Period of performance:

In line with the provisions of the Startup City Cahul Foundation’s Statute, the postholder will be employed for a period of two years with possible extension of the contract.

9.    Place of performance:

The Administrator will perform his/her duties in Cahul, as indicated in the SOW.

10. Reporting instructions:

The Administrator shall report to the Board of the Startup City Cahul Foundation. For the duration of the EU4Moldova Project: Startup City Cahul, the activity shall also be coordinated with the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC).

11. How to apply:

Interested applicants are invited to send the application to and  Please, indicate the position you are applying for in the subject line of your message. Applications, including detailed CV and letter of intent shall be sent not later than November 25, 2022.

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