The Conference on Personal Data Protection, organized by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)

On June 28, the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) in collaboration with the National Centre for Personal Data Protection (NCPDP) and the ABA Roli of Law Initiative Project “Personal Data Protection – Rights and Obligations in the Republic of Moldova” have organized the Conference on Personal Data Protection to strengthen the collaboration in the field of personal data protection.

This event has gathered the representatives of the IT business environment, civil society, academic field and representatives of public institutions to discuss the most complex problems and obstacles, which are encountered by the private and public entities while dealing with personal data. Many times, during the conference it was mentioned that the missing law on GDPR destroys the perception of Moldova. The country is not seen as a safe place, which as a consequence it repeals investors from investing in emerging projects. Moreover, it creates additional burden for Moldovan companies that extends their activity to the EU market.

This year the conference took place in a hybrid format in order to provide access to various audiences to follow the event both offline and online. The conference started with the welcoming speeches of the Director of NCPDP, Victoria Munteanu, the Director of e-Governance, Olga Tumuruc, The Executive Director of ATIC, Marina Bzovîi, and the State Secretary of Ministry of Justice, Eduard Serbenco. That is more, Victor Spina the Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, took active participation in the first panel of discussion on the protection of personal data in the digital environment.

Due to strong ties between Moldova and Latvia, ATIC Team managed to invite the Director of the State Inspectorate for Data Protection, Jekatirina Makuka, who gave a presentation about the Impact assessment of the current legislation in Moldova. Two national experts Sergiu Bozianu and Veronica Mocanu offered a perspective on the current realities regarding data protection and important amendments that need to be introduced in order to be aligned with international practice.

Another important aspect of the conference was the signing of the Collaboration Agreement between ATIC and NCPDP, which aims to implement national legislation and apply the European standards in the field of personal data protection, as well as to organize joint events, conferences, workshops in order to promote the field of personal data protection.

On behalf of the NCPDP, the conference was also attended by Mr. Alexei STRAHOV, Head of Prevention, Surveillance and Evidence Department within the General Department of Surveillance and Conformity of the NCPDP, who addressed the topic “Data Protection Officer in institutions”, where pointed out the newest and most important aspects imposed by the provisions of Law 133/2011 on personal data protection. In the online space, the conference managed to reach more than 1000 viewers.

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