4 years of activity of the National Association of Private ICT Companies: achievements, projects and perspectives

A series of important initiatives dedicated to competitiveness strengthening of the Moldovan ICT sector were presented by the National Association of Private ICT Companies (ATIC) within the General Assembly held on 28th of February 2013. The event gathered ATIC members, public sector representatives and development partners.

At the meeting were presented the successful realized projects or projects launched in 2012, like Moldova ICT Summit 2012, IT Career promotion Campaign, Legal Guide for ICT Companies, B2B Portal and Policy White Book for the ICT sector in Moldova. These projects were realized with the support of the USAID CEED II Project.

During 2012, ATIC paid a special attention to human resource development projects for the IT sector, but also to the initiatives dedicated to the strengthening of cooperation with the authorities in order to better apply the legislation and exclude the obstacles that block the ICT companies’ activity. ATIC has moved forward in the dialogue with the public sector in the sphere of customs and fiscal law, and education. The annual report of ATIC activities during the 2012 year can be viewed on www.ict.md.

Also, ATIC members received the Legal Guide for the ICT Companies, elaborated with the support of the CEED II Project. The Guide contains relevant information for better understanding and application of the legal framework in the ICT sector. The document is for the business owners, CEOs, owners of ICT companies from Moldova, and also for persons that would like to start a business locally and approach key issues of the legal framework like labor law, intellectual property, taxation and tax administration. The Guide is free for the ATIC members, but it can also be purchased paying a fee by non-member companies.

In the 2013 year ATIC will continue the interventions in the Education sector, with a special focus on the all education levels: vocational, academic and general. Also, the strategic interventions will focus on market increase and export promotion, on the dialogue with the authorities on important subjects for the ICT stakeholders, and for the strengthening of the ICT community from Moldova through special events.

The mentioned objectives will be realized with the support and common efforts of the ATIC members, under the patronage of the newly elected Board of Directors, which includes Mr. Veaceslav Cunev, Mr. Vadim Echim, Mr. Iuri Cicibaba, Mr. Eugen Galamaga, Mr. Mihai Andreev, Mr. Olivier Prado, Mr. Serge Smigaliov, Mr. Marius Vasile and Mrs. Irina Strajescu. The President function of the Board of Directors ATIC will be exercised by Mr. Veaceslav Cunev.

The National Association of Private ICT Companies includes 38 companies from the ICT sector and its main goal is the competitiveness strengthening of the ICT industry from Moldova and its promotion as a core enabler for national economic development. On the international stage ATIC promotes the industry’s potential as a reliable business partner for international IT and BP outsourcing clients.

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