52 high schools in Moldova will participate in the “Choose a Career in IT” information campaign

National Association of Private ICT Companies launched on 12th of April the information campaign “Choose a Career in IT”. The initiative runs from April to May 2013 in 52 high schools in Moldova as career guidance sessions dedicated to pupils from X to XII grade.

IT employees are among the highest paid professionals on the local market and the job flow is increasing continuously. Young people who choose a career in IT can count on a prosperous living in Moldova and a unique experience in an innovative and dynamic field.

Through this project, ATIC aims to communicate the benefits of embracing a career in IT and comes to provide pupils a basic vision on the opportunities and perspectives that they can take advantage of, thus helping them to make responsible and well informed decisions.

The first information session “Choose a Career in IT” was held on April 12 at Balti for high school “Lucian Blaga”, “Mihai Eminescu” and “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” students. 200 young people participated at the event animated by representatives of Allied Testing – a major IT company in Moldova. Young people had the posibility to find out useful information about the specific of the activities in IT sector, career directions they can follow, institutions that provide IT studies and participate in a unique dialogue with representatives of the field.

“Choose a Career in IT” campaign is held with the support of USAID “Competitiveness Enhancement and Enterprise Development II (CEED II), Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova. In the first edition of the campaign, held in 2012, have attended approximately 1200 students from 17 schools in the capital.

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