Moldovan ICT Sector Visit to Sweden

In the period of 27-31st of May, ATIC, CEED II and the Ministry of ICT are planning a study visit and business mission to Sweden in the area of ICT with the goal of promotion of IT industry, establishing new contacts and establishing partnerships for future investment in education in ICT in Moldova.

There is a good Swedish investment example to Moldova- Telia Sonera (Moldcell). There have been previous missions lead by the prime minister to Sweden, and continuing penetrating the market can bring new opportunities for Moldova.

Several companies have expressed their interest to join the mission, but since we would like to be more representative country wise, if your company is interested in promotion/matchmaking/establishing contacts with Swedish companies, we would be able to assist you in that sense there by presenting your company during matchmaking activities.

In case of interest, please send us a short description of your company and areas of interest by Friday, May 17 to , as well for the mission please prepare marketing materials we could take with us by May 24.

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