2 000 students from 28 high schools participated in the campaign “Choose a Career in IT”

Over 2,000 students from 28 high schools in the country participated in the campaign “Choose a Career in IT”, carried out from April to May 2013 by the National Association of Private ICT.

The initiative consisted of career guidance sessions dedicated to pupils of X-XII grades. The youngsters have participated in a dynamic dialogue with the IT industry representatives, having the opportunity to find out useful information about the strengths and the specific of the work in IT field, career directions they can follow, institutions that provide IT studies, additional options for individual, interactive and free study.

The audience was very responsive, enthusiastic and with tons of positive energy. The discussion focused on the opportunities and prospects that may be explored by the IT professionals, and there were also removed stereotypes about the profile of the IT employees. It was emphasised that the success in this area is directly proportional to the effort invested in personal development. The organizers have tried to highlight the key aspects of a career in IT, based on real examples and success stories. They have also offered advice and helpful hints for the youngsters interested in building a future in a fast developing industry.

“We designed this campaign in a context where information technology is becoming increasingly important, exerting a major impact on all spheres of our life. This impact materializes through the radical transformation of the way we perceive communication, governance, production processes and development. We wanted to give youngsters useful guidelines about a career in this dynamic, exciting and innovative field. We want to motivate and encourage them to know and to consider career options that can provide them a promising future in their own country. “Ana Chirita, Executive Director of National Association of Private ICT Companies.

The “Choose a Career in IT” campaign was possible thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, USAID CEED II Project, Austrian Development Agency, support provided by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova and the active involvement of ATIC members.

The initiative will continue starting October 2013 with presentation sessions in 24 other schools in the Republic of Moldova. More details and photos from each information session are available on ”Aleg Cariera IT” page on Facebook.

The promotion of the IT Career sessions organized by ATIC will continue in June with a broad media campaign in order to raise public attention on the itinerary and the prospects for development and professional growth in the information technology sector. 

We would like to thank Allied Testing, Pentalog, Cedacri International and Microsoft for the dedication, support, active involvement and effort invested in the information campaign “Choose a Career in IT”. We hope that we have succeeded through consolidated actions to motivate, inspire, encourage the youngsters to consider the opportunity of a career in IT, and once made ​​this decision, undertake relevant actions to develop, grow and gain professional recognition.

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