ICT Career Orientation – creating a stronger connection between the ICT sector and the future Professionals

ICT Career Orientation, the most important event related to professional orientation in the ICT sector was held on the 6th, 7th and 14th of November 2013 within the Technical University of Moldova, the Moldovan State University and the Academy of Economic Studies. 

ICT Career Orientation is organized by the National Association of the Private ICT Companies with the support of the USAID CEED II Project and the Ministry of Youth and Sports within the Grants Program for 2013.

The event is addressed to young people studying at ICT faculties and it aims to inform and guide students on the opportunities for professional growth in the ICT sphere. The main purpose is to provide the students with clear and useful recommendations regarding the career directions to follow, suggestions on the development opportunities to access and also valuable references about how to increase their employment chances after graduation.

ICT Career Orientation is structured on two directions: Career orientation sessions and Presentation of the companies in the hall, where students can interact directly with their potential employers and find out more information about their profiles, internship opportunities, terms and conditions of employment.

The event agenda included orientation sessions on different topics: Software development, Mastering the Testing Diversity, Test Automation Engineer vs Developer, Agile, Career opportunities for developers in current IT trends, Code refactoring, SQL, Geographic Information Systems, Modern web development & e-commerce, Unified Communications, QA Engineer job interview. The presentations were held by highly qualified and experienced IT professionals employed in the participating companies.

Nine important ICT companies participated at the ICT Career Orientation event: Allied Testing, Endava, Pentalog, DAAC System Integrator, Trimetrica, Deeplace, Moldcell, Cedacri International, Red Sky. The students had the unique opportunity to learn about the factors of a successful career and find out what are the main requirements and expectations from the prospective employers themselves.

Ion Bostan, the Rector of the Technical University, Igor Grosu, Deputy Minister of Education, Vitalie Tarlev, Deputy Minister of ICT, Sergiu Botezatu, Senior Project Manager from USAID Moldova have participated at the event opening and emphasized the growing importance and value of the ICT industry and professionals. They encouraged the young people to invest more efforts in their professional development and to be persevering in following their vocation.

The ICT Career Orientation event is held for the 4th consecutive year. Almost 1000 students participated in the 2013 edition.

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