Women in ICT Conference

It is an event for women in the IT industry and women who want a career in this field.

The event included a ceremony of recognition and appreciation of women in IT. “The event aims to change the perception of the role of women in the ICT sector and to strengthen the local community IT Professional Women. Among the reasons that prevent them from participating fully include women’s role stereotypes, and related factors affecting personal life and the lack of female role models in the industry, “said event organizer Ana Chirita.

Reference managers and professionals in the ICT sector in Moldova have shared their experiences and offered suggestions and advice for young passionate IT. “Success depends not only on one man. Is the success of the entire team. We work in the world of men conform somewhere, somewhere we adjust, adjust same, “said Liliana Grebencea, representative Moldcell Technical Department.

“No matter they are men or women. IT is no longer the world of men. The company I work demonstrated over the years it has evolved the number of women in the institution. In 2004, their number was below 10%, currently over 23% “, said Iraida Eremia, project manager, Endava.

In Moldova there is a low percentage of women who opt for a career in ICT, it is considered an area dedicated exclusively to men. “Everything is possible, if you work and you truly want must not hide behind the computer screen.”said Cristina Doros, Moldova AgroindBank.

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