Save the date! March 4th – register for a full-day Digital Inbound Marketing training with Walter Ragonese!


WHEN: Saturday, March 4th, 2017; 12:00 – 18:00

WHERE: iHUB, Chișinău, str. 31 August 1989, 78

TICKETS: 400MDL, Book me a place!


On Saturday, March 4th 2017 Tekwill Academy in partnership with GPG Consulting is happy to invite you to the ‘Digital Inbound Marketing Fundamentals’ full-day training (in English) with Walter Ragonese to take place in Chisinau.

Tekwill Academy is an educational initiative of National Association of ICT Companies organized with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) within “Moldova ICT Excellence Center Project”


Marketing professionals who already possess basic knowledge of, and experience in digital marketing principles, having a work-related role for using the training’s instruction in a practical application.


Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that draw visitors in, rather than marketers having to go out to get prospects’ attention. It’s all about earning the attention of customers, making the organization easy to find online, and drawing customers to an organization’s website or online profile by producing interesting, helpful content. By aligning the content with customer’s interests, the result is the attraction of inbound traffic organically that can then be converted to prospecting leads.

1)  Content idealization types & formats:

  • Thought leadership, interviews, case studies, etc.
  • Infographics
  • PPT & slides
  • Podcasting
  • Animation & video
  • Interactive – quizzes, customer loyalty games

2) Content distribution channels (organic and native), Content promotion

  • B2B Social networks, forums, groups, protocol respecting vs spamming
  • Aggregators/ publishers (Medium, etc)
  • Slideshare
  • Video channels
  • Email and content format examples
  • Newsletters (subscription)
  • Landing pages and call-to-action
  • Link building
  • PPC and AdWords
  • Native Advertising examples
  • Influencer marketing/promotion


  • Meta tags, snippet management
  • Keywords and management
  • Google ranking factors (wide discussion of criteria)
  • XML site downloads and how this is used to update site search results



     Walter Ragonese has been assisting organizations with establishing support   facilities in Moldova since 2010. He originates from New York and was an   entrepreneur involved with Business Process Outsourcing in Russia for 17 years.


Get a ticket!

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