Call for Innovative Collaborative Project Proposals from Private Sector

Moldovan Association of ICT Companies, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), announces the call for Expression of Interest for innovative collaborative projects on new products, services or business solutions.

Amount of non-refundable award: maximum 40,000 USD (co-funded by ATIC and UNDP) or maximum fifty percent (50%) of the total project (other minimum 50% are matching funds from own or other sources). Three awards are available for the following sector combinations: energy and ICT, education and ICT, agriculture and ICT.

Eligible applicants: small and medium enterprises (SME) and/or organizations supporting private sector development registered on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, with minimum 1 year of business activity, including consortiums of companies or organizations. Business associations are also eligible to apply, but priority will be given to private sector companies.

The application process is organized in two stages:

(a) application with a concept and

(b) application with a full project.

Under the current Expression of Interest, applicants will submit ONLY concept notes in English, Romanian or Russian. Application form is available ____________________.


What shall be included in the concept note?

A short and concise description of project idea, business model and the potential market; connection with ICT sector; and a short presentation of the company and the development/implementation team. IT elements/solution, results’ impact measurement and alignment to sustainable development goals (2030 UN Agenda) are mandatory components of the project and shall be shortly described (ATIC/UNDP team is available to support in identification of alignment, upon request, before submission of concept note).

In the pre-application stage there are no other documents needed.


Application deadline: by July 23, 2018, 23:59H Chisinau time.

Only pre-selected applicants will be invited to apply with Full Applications.

Offers can be submitted only electronically, to the following e-mail address: Offers received by fax or in hard copy will be rejected. Incomplete offers shall not be examined.

Please find below and attached the set of documentation relevant to the above-mentioned competition:

UPDATE: A pre-bidding meeting will take palce on July 18, 15:00 at Tekwill, 9/11 Studentilor St. Everyone intersted in applying for this tender is welcome to join the meeting and ask any questions to UNDP and ATIC representatives.

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