
ICP#ATIC-UNICEF-2023-014: eLearning course development

Description Development of an eLearning course for teachers to enhance child centered teaching through digital technologies and STEAM based learning.
For “Tekwill in Every School” project
Funded by UNICEF Moldova;
Issued by Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC)
Assignment period October 2023 – March 2024
Issuance date September 28, 2023
OFFER DEADLINE  October 12, 2023, 15:00 Chisinau time
EXTENDED DEADLINE  October 19, 2023, 15:00 Chisinau time


The National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) is looking for eligible and responsible individual consultant(s) able to develop the content for an eLearning course for teachers to enhance child centered teaching through digital technologies and STEAM based learning.

Electronic Submission Only. The only acceptable submission method is electronical – via email:
to: – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist ATIC
cc: – Ernest Bitca, “Tekwill in Every School” Project Manager

Offer must be submitted in separate PDF (.pdf) files corresponding to:
1) Technical proposal: mandatory documents required by request document (ICP). There may be one or several PDF files with relevant names.
2) Financial offer: must be signed and sent in PDF format (.pdf)

In formulating their offers, interested consultants shall follow the submission protocol and be guided by the list of mandatory documents required the ICP, including the Financial Offer Form (Word)

Offers received after the specified deadline (date and time) will be considered late and will NOT be evaluated by ATIC. Incomplete offers will not be accepted.

Attached documents:

ICP– Development of an eLearning course for teachers to enhance child centered teaching through digital technologies and STEAM based learning. (PDF)

Financial Offer Form (word)

Contact person: – Ernest Bitca, “Tekwill in Every School” Project Manager  – Cristina Sirbu, Procurement Specialist